Problem Getting A Seat At Mass

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I think unless you have a physical disability (in which case most churches have a special pew for you, or the priest and ushers should be able to make some accommodation) that your fussing about not getting “your usual seat” when you were late is ridiculous.

Why should everybody who’s already there have to move for you?
This is not something I often have to deal with, but I always prefer sitting on the end, but my wife likes to sin in the middle. We compromise and always sit in the middle.
😉 I guess your wife finds it easier to sin in the middle.
"Other than that, how was the play, Mrs. Lincoln?"

Don’t lose sight of the purpose of the Mass.

Pax et Bonum!
Keep in mind that the handshake of peace is not supposed to be a huggy, kissy, feely moment. It is to symbolically come to peace with those who have wronged you, and to give the Lord your anger…so He can offer it on the cross. All this is to get you in the correct state before approaching to receive the blessed sacrament.
I don’t particularly know why you are addressing this to my comment, as that’s exactly how I feel too and what I expressed. That’s why I fault families (or, many times too, couples) who turn in on themselves hugging and kissing and greeting for an extended period, ignoring those around them.
Do you have some medical or physical disability that requires this specific seat? if so did you mention it.
No offence but if you arrive late, even if not by your own fault you should just humbly take any seat on offer and apologise for climbing over people. A lot of people like to sit on the edge. A lot of people would be mildly grumpy at people arriving late for mass as it may mean they miss something. I think it’s possibly a little unforgiving and a slight over reaction to consider going to another church for that. Haven’t you ever been a little grumpy or rude to someone in your life, ever? It’s likely they felt bad afterwards or not, that’s not your issue, you are called to love everyone even those who wrong you. It is annoying when people want you to move from a seat you got there early to get too, I can see that, personally I’d rather someone climb over me than scooch along. I have a disability and need the end but it’s not visible so no one is likely to know that. Still I am sorry you felt rejected, I hope you take a deep breath, relax and forgive them and be gentle and tender with people next time. Either go earlier or if you arrive later, then just climb past them with a smile and an apology if it appears that’s what they prefer. God bless you
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I think that’s my point…
THEY have a faulty understanding of the gesture (as do 99.2% of everyone else), but take comfort in knowing and practicing it in the proper way. I was trying to let you know that no matter what is happening around you, that you are not ignored.
I always sit in the middle. People in my church are always accommodating if I need to get out.
The front pew is reserved for the elderly, the sick and disabled. Fr. comes directly from the alter to give them communion.
We have 4 front rows. Only one is reserved for the elderly/disabled. The others are chronically empty.

Our priest actually does a bit of a walkabout to get Communion to those who cannot walk up. Some sit near the back because they may have to exit, and some are near the bathrooms.

I guess it really depends on the needs of the parish.
If you are blessed to have a parish where Mass is so crowded that you cannot find a seat with ease, two things:

It sounds as if there are not trained ushers at your parish. Speak to your Pastor about it, heck offer to coordinate the usher ministry. Our parish has had seasons when it was standing room only. The ushers are very good at finding empty spots, getting folks seated in those spots and accommodating those with special seating needs.

Until there are ushers, prior to mass a stage whisper “Excuse me, may I move into the pew? Would you mind standing so I don’t have to climb over your knees?” with a smile will work wonders!

Second thing for crowded masses, get down on your knees tonight and thank GOD for it. Ask Him to keep your parish healthy and thriving.

I am witnessing a parish that used to be that way drop to almost half the attendance over a year. It is heartbreaking.
Or volunteer for the Choir, you will be guaranteed your own seat every week!
I see this issue in another light… i wish all parishes had this problem; full pews!!! would that be great.

sorry couldn’t resist spinning it a different way.
I was a bit late arriving at Mass and I wanted my usual seat on the end of the pew. No one wanted to move over -everyone wanted to sit on the edge and I doubt that they would have liked my stepping over them. One nice man moved over for me right at the bAck but I felt quite rejected and thought that they were quite rude! I have people who I talk to at tea afterwards so I am not keen on going to another church.

The answer is arriving early but I was a bit shocked. What do you think?
What do I think? I think if this is the first time you have ever experienced an inability to get an aisle seat, you must not have been attending church for very long. I have had problems getting an aisle seat my entire life, and the ONLY answer is to get to Mass early, or if possible, go to the very first Mass of the day, which is generally not as well attended as later Masses.
I got volunteered a few times to go over to the hall and retrieve folding chairs.
Reminds me of a time when I was little. My mother never took me to church because I embarrassed her. Grandma was always there to watch me, so they took turns going to church.

Mass is kind of deep for kids that young but it helps to be told ahead of time, before going to Catholic school, what to expect. Otherwise when the first grader starts going to church, she may use the opportunity to be a train, like the Burlington Northern, and chug down the aisle while the nun has a hissy-fit.

I always think people who hog the seats are kind of territorial and they should get over it.
Be glad that there are seats left! There are lots of folks in my parish that are “making penance” kneeling on the stone floor during the Eucharistic prayer because there are not enough seating places available. And they are on time for Mass! We need yet another Mass 😅
Be glad that there are seats left! There are lots of folks in my parish that are “making penance” kneeling on the stone floor during the Eucharistic prayer because there are not enough seating places available. And they are on time for Mass! We need yet another Mass 😅
I have heard (possibly apocryphal) stories that, in the early Middle Ages, the parishioners stood for the entire Mass, as seating was not provided. Thank God I live in 2018!
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