No, because they are all important - for different reasons. Your request is like demanding to choose the “greatest” of all colors when contemplating a picture. Every kind of love is well defined, except maybe agape, and I DID give the proper definition of that one.
What type of love do you believe abortion is?
I say a selfish love, one that is indifferent to the flourishment of the humanity of the human being aborted.
Is now the process of discarding a clipped toenail an “abortion”?
In this hypothetical, discarding a toe nail wouldn’t be analogous to “abortion” because the toe nail is not a zygote or further developed human being.
And, this discussion helps me connect more dots to the morality of loving parents creating children, as will as the immorality of unloving parents creating children.
If one has the ability to create a zygote from a clipped toe nail, would it be moral to do so?
I say no on multiple accounts:
- It is unloving to create a human being that has the right to a mom and dad’s love till death.
- It amplifies selfishness in the one making the clone.
The definition of a human being. What is a mixed set of chromosomes (partially human, partially animal)? A chimera could have both lungs and gills - is it still a human? What if it has only gills, is it now an amphibian?
Do you know of a case of a chimera with human parents? You might be over analyzing things.
The meaning is simple, no need to overanalyse or dissect it. The single cell of a zygote is NOT a human being. Is the egg a potential chicken or an actual one? When you have a scrambled egg for breakfast, do you believe that you just had a fried chicken?
You should listen to your advice! No need to over analyze or dissect it. The egg of a chicken is definitely not human. Let’s focus on the egg of a human. Disclaimer: the following, if natural, is a good thing. When a lady endures menstruation, she has lost a potential human being. Perhaps this could also explain some experiencing pain and various moods. It might be like an unconscious reaction to losing a potential baby.
Yet in fairness, to answer your questions directly:
An egg inside a hen is a potential chicken.
I do not believe I am having fried chicken when eating scrambled eggs because the eggs in question have lost their potential to become a chicken.