Project Veritas Exposes Ilhan Omar Allies in Alleged Ballot Harvesting Operation in Minnesota

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Nepperhan . . .
The O’Keefe fellow is not a responsible journalist and he and his writing lack credibility. He basically starts out with a biased viewpoint . . .
Everybody starts from a biased viewpoint Nepperhan.

Do you have anything to say about the event in the story per se?
Everybody starts from a biased viewpoint Nepperhan.
Not true! A journalist seeks to find out what happened.

That’s pretty basic. O’Keefe and his minions skated on a federal charge on entering the offices of an official which would have put anyone else behind bars. The organization is basically a bunch of conservative shills who violate the rules of responsible journalism and fact-gathering.

So all of what is reported by them is suspect.
Nepperhan thinking because a journalist MAY seek to find out what happened (although Nepperhan says they do “seek” [despite the fact that some do NOT seek. They violate their journalistic ethical code at times among some of the journalists - like at CNN, New York Times, and elsewhere among the FAKE news industrial complex), that they somehow cannot be biased . . .
Not true! A journalist seeks to find out what happened.
This conclusion does not follow Nepperhan.


Nepperhan below is suggesting I am personalizing this.

Actually I have gone to great lengths to stay within the bounds of
critiquing the argument and not the arguer.

For the readers here, go to your logic books and look up conclusions that do not follow. Or begging the question.

You will see for yourself.

If I did not contextualize it, other people would (and have) accuse me of taking them OUT of context.
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There is nothing personal about pointing out the lack of logic in an argument Nepperhan.

You taking it personally, I cannot help, but it stands that from your premise, you drew a conclusion that does not follow from the premise you posted.

That is simple logic Nepperhan. Not a personal attack.
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There is nothing personal about pointing out the lack of logic in an argument Nepperhan.

You taking it personally, I cannot help, but it stands that from your premise, you drew a conclusion that does not follow from the premise you posted.

That is simple logic Nepperhan. Not a personal attack.
The rules say that messages must be polite and free from personal attacks. You mention my screen name twice in one post and its not personal? OK, if that’s what you want to believe.

Let’s de-personalize the discussion. You have a problem with that?
Nepperhan . . .
The rules say that messages must be polite and free from personal attacks. You mention my screen name twice in one post and its not personal?
I have followed those rules here judiciously.

I can’t address them to the moon.

Since you wrote them, I can critique the form of the argument.

That’s all. No personal attacks here.

At least from me. (I have not read all the thread so there MAY be from someone else.)
1cthlctrth . . .
This appears to be why Democrats love mail-in balloting, along with fighting against voter identification requirements. It gives them greater opportunity for shady voting activity.
Not only is that the exact same conclusion I come to as well (from what their actions say to me), but I think they are worried that a LOT of voters will come to the same conclusion as well (making it a lot tougher for national Democrats and the FAKE news industrial complex to keep fooling as many voters as they do. This along with many other things, really expose the mail-in voting problem for what it is. Very open to fraudulent voting behavior.).
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Project Veritas Releases Another Ilhan Omar Video Showing Cash for Votes Harvesting Scheme​

(Please Note: This uploaded content is no longer available.)

Project Veritas/YouTube


28 Sep 2020 Washington, DC

Project Veritas released another video on Monday night showing a ballot harvester in the district of Rep. Ilhan Omar (D-MN) paying cash to people to get their ballots.

James O’Keefe, the founder and president of Project Veritas, called the video “an explosive piece of tape.” . . .
. . . Wow. 100,000+ views 20mins!

Keep tweeting. Keep sharing! . . .
. . . FULL YOUTUBE VIDEO: @IlhanMN Connected Harvester SEEN Exchanging $200 for General Election Ballot. “We don’t care illegal.” RETWEET! . . .
. . . On screen on the video released by Project Veritas, text appears and then says that another ballot harvester on another tape admitted to getting $800 for his ballot. Then the video plays the tape of a person identified as Osman Ali Dahquane saying he does not care if it is “illegal,” and claiming to have gotten $800 for his ballot.

The tape has another woman who is identified as a former organizer for Omar who says “she [Omar] is the one who came up with all of this.”

The tape then plays more from the person identified as Osman Ali Dahquane speaking in another language, and per a translation offered by Project Veritas the person says he owes money to Al-Shabaab. Al-Shabaab for years has been tied to Al Qaeda . . .

This second tape from O’Keefe’s team in Minnesota comes on the heels of a first one released Sunday night that zoned in on the ballot harvesting operation in Omar’s district in Minnesota.

That video showed a man identified as Liban Mohamed bragging about having collected hundreds of ballots in his car. “Numbers do not lie. Numbers do not lie. … You can see my car is full. All these here are absentee ballots. Can’t you see? . . .

Dollars to donuts, they either lose their Twitter account for telling the truth (although Twitter won’t put it that way) or get this censored.

This is from a day ago.

This is from two hours ago.

Watch them on Youtube while you still can.

Voter fraud is exceedingly hard to prove.
We will see where this goes with Democrat Keith Ellison (the MN Atty. Gen.)
To the readers here.

From Cathoholic (me) in the original post . . .
I can hear the complaints now.

Breitbart. Trump. Cathoholic. Ignore the content. Excuse-making. Etc. etc.
I suppose I should have added in Project Veritas too.

I want to invite the readers to go back and re-read this thread.

Look over the “criticisms” carefully.

Read my prediction in the OP.

See if there was ANYTHING criticising the story as . . . .

“Wow. These guys got it so wrong. Experts said the video was altered and the sound dubbed.” Or some other critique of the SUBSTANCE of the article.

Is there virtually ANY addressing of the CONTENT?

Almost NONE!

Go back and re-read this.

Draw your own conclusions. It is very evident.

THIS THREAD is exhibit A, as to WHY universal mail-in voting perpetuates voter fraud.

And anyone who wants to honestly look at the issue can see it on full display right here in this thread.
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This appears to be why Democrats love mail-in balloting,
That’s a bit of a wide brush. People may find absentee ballots beneficial or preferred for a number of reasons. Limited availability of voting machines and long waits, transportation issues, and conflicts with taking time off from work are among them since absentee ballots help alleviate these problems. Ofcourse, for someone avoiding crowds, absentee ballots may also be preferred.
The O’Keefe fellow is not a responsible journalist and he and his writing lack credibility. He basically starts out with a biased viewpoint and looks for anything that supports his opinion.
Hmm, sounds like he could work for the NYT.
Or maybe co-host with George Stephanopoulos.
O’Keefe’s an interesting guy. I don’t see him as any “less responsible” than 90 percent of the journalists working for MSM. In fact, he’s probably more skilled and motivated than most of them.
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People may find absentee ballots beneficial or preferred for a number of reasons
Good job conflating absentee voting with mail-in voting.

The first requires a request, and in some states a reason for the ballot. It happens on an individual level, and the voter knows that the ballot is coming and will presumably notice if it does not arrive.

With mail-in voting, everyone is sent a ballot, which many may not be paying attention to.

When I vote at a polling place, there is a lot of consideration given to the ballots. You have to sign in, they give you and only you one and only one ballot. When you are finished, you put it into a locked container which is guarded by the people at the polling location.

Just generally putting out tens of thousands if not millions of ballots into the general population is a recipe for disaster.

Unscrupulous people can steal them out of mailboxes or out of recycling bins where many who do not vote will put them.

So please, do not conflate mail-in voting with absentee voting.
Good job conflating absentee voting with mail-in voting.
I refer to “absentee ballots” because that is what at home are considered. And they are not necessarily returned by mail. In many states (including my own) I have the option of taking the ballot to one of many county locations to deposit my ballot. My family and I have no intentions of using USPS to return our ballots. One also has the option of going to a number of county locations to complete out what is still considered an absentee ballot. The advantage of this is these locations are open across three weeks and have lower wait times than election day, and a person is not limited to only being able to use a single location assigned to them.
With mail-in voting, everyone is sent a ballot
You are describing "all-mail elections. "
There are 5 states that normally do this. Colorado, Hawaii, Oregon, Utah, and Washington.
When I vote at a polling place, there is a lot of consideration given to the ballots. You have to sign in, they give you and only you one and only one ballot. When you are finished, you put it into a locked container which is guarded by the people at the polling location.
You vote using paper ballots at the polling locations?

When I vote at a polling place, we are handed a smart card to insert I to a non-networked machine. When done voting, the smart card is handed back to the poll worker. We also get a “receipt” with which we can go online to verify out vote. If someone does an absentee ballot, the ballot has a number made to be torn off that can be used to track the location of the ballot (if sending via usps) and check how the votes were cast.when voting using a machine, the machine also prints out a QR code. In the event that the electronic record of the vote were somehow destroyed, the physical papers could be used to perform an automated recount.
So please, do not conflate mail-in voting with absentee voting.
This may be a difference in semantics, but where I am, sending in a ballot via mail, taking a paper ballot to a county location ones self , or voting in a polling place before election date are all forms of absentee voting. The wider availability of physical locations to each person and flexibility in getting a vote into the county addresses the problems I mentioned earlier. Some are not willing to wait in a line for several hours when there are alternative options that take moments. Paper ballots may or may not be sent in by mail. We do not automatically receive paper ballots. They must be requested either online or via a form or written note sent by USPS.

Update- I checked other sources and this usage of the term "absentee voting is not limited to my county. More general references describe it as any voting that occurs at a location other than one’s official polling place. Several also include early voting in this category.
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The takeaway:
  • An absentee ballot is generally used in every state to refer to a ballot filled out by a voter who cannot, for various reasons, physically make it to a voting location on Election Day.
  • A mail-in ballot is used more broadly to refer to ballots sent through the mail, including in all-mail voting states and some forms of absentee voting.
All I am saying is please don’t confuse the two.
All I am saying is please don’t confuse the two.
That’s fine. My original point was that there are valid and non-singular motivations for encouraging the availability of alternatives to voting in person on election day. The availability of these alternatives allow more people to be involved in the democratic process.
It basically says “We label this a “right wing” group. Therefore their report has just gotta be wrong!”
That’s not quite the argument. If PV were merely “reporting”, then their reports could be independently verified. The Minneapolis Police are investigating right now. If they can confirm it, then maybe there is something to it. As it is, all we have is a purpose-edited video made by PV, a known open advocate of right-wing causes. Such charges should be put on the same level as a charges put forth by the DNC. You don’t expect the DNC to be a reliable source for objective reporting, do you? If I see a claim by the DNC of criminal wrongdoing by Republicans, I would not take that claim on face value until it was independently verified. Neither should Republicans take PV claims at face value until verified.
I heard murmurings about this possibly happening during the primary against fellow Democrats as well, they could feel possibly shortchanged. This could have happened then too. The police are investigating.
That’s not quite the argument. If PV were merely “reporting”, then their reports could be independently verified. The Minneapolis Police are investigating right now. If they can confirm it, then maybe there is something to it. As it is, all we have is a purpose-edited video made by PV, a known open advocate of right-wing causes. Such charges should be put on the same level as a charges put forth by the DNC. You don’t expect the DNC to be a reliable source for objective reporting, do you? If I see a claim by the DNC of criminal wrongdoing by Republicans, I would not take that claim on face value until it was independently verified. Neither should Republicans take PV claims at face value until verified.
It is on video, it’s quite beyond making accusations.
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