
You have made a good characterization, from what I know of them.Libertarians are morally liberal aswell: they don’t accept any authoritarian moral codes in law. The individual has the right to live their personal lives exactly a they wish, as long as it doesn’t interfere with others rights to do the same. Economically it’s a case of ‘survival of the fittest’. No tax to pay, completely privatised health and education… so depending on how right wing you are you might agree with this side of it.
The reason this appeals to me, is that I think local Churches should be in charge of the liberal stuff such as welfare programs. For example, the best known free no-questions-asked meal every evening in Wichita is at the Lord’s Diner. The Catholic Diocese built it downtown, right across from the Cathedral. Practically any organization worth its salt has evenings scheduled to supply volunteer workers (after getting them Kansas food handler’s cards) from its organization. Scouts, parishes, schools, even non-Catholic groups.
This is the kind of thing the Church could do more of, if its powers weren’t usurped by the government. We could have actual stewardship of resources. If the government were running the Lord’s Diner, they would have means testing, huge administrative costs, endless debate over who gets credit for what, one party looking for negative soundbites from guests on nights the other party was in charge, etc. Plus, some of the most needy would not get fed because they were unable to get their paperwork processed.
Leave the government to protect us from what internal and external crimes it can, and build common assets such as streets. Let the parents, local school, and churches plan and carry out social justice type activities.
That’s what I call a healthy separation of Church and State. Why do we think we should entrust Caesar to do God’s work?