
typical libertarianism, socialism=bad, government= beurocracy, government wants to control our minds etc… But on the other hand theocracy is good though eh? Its all about who’s in control, not control itself.There are many problems involved with the government doing the income redistribution.
The minute you say this person has a “right” to this or that service from the government, then you create an obligation for someone to give it to them because the government cannot give anything it has not taken from others. If we say that one person has a “right” to dental care, for example, then who’s job it is to provide it? Do we make dentists treat that person without pay, or do we take money from third parties – at gunpoint I might add – to pay the dentist?
Now that a couple generations of the mentality of wealth redistribution has been with us, we don’t even help each other because that’s “the government’s job.” That’s what we pay taxes for, right? Nobody gets any blessings of stewardship because they were compelled under threat of worldly sanctions.
Essentially what I’m saying is that liberalism is the Church’s job, not the government’s. The government has taken it over because it empowers them. The rules are written in such a way to make it hard for recipients to get out on their own once they are in it. Why? Because the self-serving bureaucracies are funded an empowered by how many people they “serve” as opposed to how many people they “help” get out on their own.
Government: roads, military, police.
Church: take care of her widows and orphans and hungry.
When the government does the Church’s job to enforce morality and to perform wealth redistribution, we get socialism and the closer we get, the closer our whole financial system comes to collapse and then nobody is better off.
If we use the government to point guns at people to make them behave the way we think God wants them to, then there really isn’t much point in having a church. In the church we are led from the top down. In the government, the power flows from the people. Who wants it acting like a big church where what is “right” and “moral” is decided by popular election. We end up with stupid stuff like gay marriages. It certainly wouldn’t be a Catholic church.
Socialism in government: bad, dangerous.
Socialism in the Church: good, life giving.
Government doing God’s work: bad, dangerous.
aside from welfare someone has to pay tax for services, that’s the price for living in a first world country, things like schools come out of tax, and people pay tax. Do you agree with private education ie education for only those who can afford it? I don’t, kids have a right to decent education no matter how much their parents earn.
The reason i don’t agree with contracting it out to churches is that it forces people of all different beliefs to become beggers at a religiose institutions door. What if your from a different denomination (by’church’, you mean catholic church), or a different religion. If services are to be provided why should everyone be forced into such an obligatory relationhip with the catholic church? It’s inappropriate. It also doesn’t solve practical problems like providing job training, helping find work for the unemployed. These things are done by government. I’d rather have inefficient beurocracy doing these things than not having them done at all.