I propose a new proof of the existence of God, based on the existence of religion.
1- Most (if not all) human cultures have a tendency to recognize some Transcendental Being (though they use different names and images).
2- People in general are not ‘mugs’. Some people can be duped, but on the whole, they are pretty quick to recognize frauds and fallacies, and pointless things.
3- Therefore, there must be ‘something’ behind these religions. Either it is- the reality of some Transcendental Being (God), or at least the human need to recognize some such being (a ‘Desire-for-God’).
4-Therefore either God exists, or the ‘Desire-for-God’ exists.
5- If the latter- that the ‘Desire-for-God’ exists- God must also exist, otherwise the desire would have no object, and no direction, and would not, properly speaking, be a desire, but would manifestly be so pointless, that no one would be taken in, much less entire cultures.
6- Therefore God exists.
1- Most (if not all) human cultures have a tendency to recognize some Transcendental Being (though they use different names and images).
2- People in general are not ‘mugs’. Some people can be duped, but on the whole, they are pretty quick to recognize frauds and fallacies, and pointless things.
3- Therefore, there must be ‘something’ behind these religions. Either it is- the reality of some Transcendental Being (God), or at least the human need to recognize some such being (a ‘Desire-for-God’).
4-Therefore either God exists, or the ‘Desire-for-God’ exists.
5- If the latter- that the ‘Desire-for-God’ exists- God must also exist, otherwise the desire would have no object, and no direction, and would not, properly speaking, be a desire, but would manifestly be so pointless, that no one would be taken in, much less entire cultures.
6- Therefore God exists.