Prosecuting those who employ illegal aliens

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I’m sorry, I might have gone at you too hard. I’m so used to hearing white people ignore race or class inequality based on things like “I don’t see colors” or rolling out examples that are exceptions to the rule to support their views. The reality is that some of this is done TO Hispanics.
White people? What are you? Black, Indian Asian, Hispanic also?

Are you under the impression that I am treated unfairly or something because I am Hispanic? Or that I am somehow “underprivileged” because of my race? I get that impression from your post 😂.
Are you under the impression that I am treated unfairly or something because I am Hispanic
Statistically this is true, however it seems your experience is not so and I’m glad for that. I’m not implying you need charity of any sort or whatever. This however is getting into a tangential topic and I will leave it at this.
Statistically this is true, however it seems your experience is not so and I’m glad for that. I’m not implying you need charity of any sort or whatever. This however is getting into a tangential topic and I will leave it at this.
No good person, whatever race, wants special treatment because others of their race have been treated unfairly. I don’t know what statistics you speak of and you do not cite anything so I call “nonsense” on your part. I was not born into a rich family either. I had very humble upbringings. So it has nothing to do with “class” that I have not had “unfair” treatment. If I have maybe I did not realized it or did not pay attention to it because I am not a little cry baby who wants people to feel sorry for him.

But absolutely we have derailed the thread. If you wish further discussion on this topic feel free to pm me. I would like to know what statistics you speak of that says Hispanics are treated unfairly in this country.
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I’m so used to hearing white people ignore race or class inequality based on things like “I don’t see colors” or rolling out examples that are exceptions to the rule to support their views. The reality is that some of this is done TO Hispanics.
Aren’t you conflating what people personally feel and how they act with the larger society?

I can sincerely and accurately say I’m not racist yet there are others who may be. Also statistics can be misleading. Our Hispanic population is largely new to the country and they came with minimal resources. It always takes a couple generations for a new group to climb up the income curve.
I can sincerely and accurately say I’m not racist yet there are others who may be.
The definition of racism has two forms and much of our social problems on the topic stem from this. I’ll PM the rest of my response so as not to take over this thread.
Employers don’t always know they’re illegal since most of them use a stolen ss#/identity
Someone was using my identity in the UK in the early 2000s.

I have never been to the UK.
One thing that is not addressed is that with illegal immigration, there arose a thriving black market in stolen identities. The primary victims are ordinary American citizens.

I have had my identity stolen. My credit rating was rubbish for a while because of something that was not my fault.
A lawyer friend frequently gets hired by Hispanic young men to fight off extradition warrants from other states or wage garnishments for children who are not his. The ID of a Hispanic young man is “gold” to the phony ID makers because they always use real social security numbers, dates of birth and names. So somebody who bought phony ID in California commits a crime. Warrant goes out, and the guy whose ID was stolen gets arrested in Missouri.
Employers are forbidden by law from questioning ID that looks valid on its face.
So, why don’t these illegal immigrants stay in their own countries and," make their country great again." There are many who have sacrificed much and actually died to create the prosperity we have in the USA. Instead of running away from their problems and bringing problems to our country they could stay and build their nation and provide for their countryman.They have a great example. They can imitate America. That is one of the reasons why we do things like we do.
Legal immigration is permitted.
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That should be changed.
I doubt it will be. It’s just one more of the Democrat blocks in having a rational immigration policy. Illegal immigration is a good deal for their big corporate contributors and a step on the way to replacing the current population of the U.S., half of which they consider “irredeemables” and “dirty Walmart shoppers”.
Or the IRS goes after someone because of unreported wages even though the victim has never worked for the employer.
Probably. The upside is that SS taxes paid by the illegal user go to the credit of the real owner of the ID.
I’d rather not have my identity stolen and not have to deal with either the IRS or the law for something that was not my fault.
I’d rather not have my identity stolen and not have to deal with either the IRS or the law for something that was not my fault.
I totally agree. The SS contribution would be of little comfort if you got arrested and held pending an extradition warrant. If you hire a lawyer to get you out, nobody reimburses you for the cost.
Couldn’t the same be said for the GOP as well; for example, while it may be possible to build some sort of ball, deporting millions isn’t going to be feasible and if it was, wouldn’t it end up causing a rational shock and crisis due to its sheer magnitude of population displacement?
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Yes. People have been excusing non-action with that argument for forty years. The number keeps growing and still nothing is done.

Truth is, most illegals “self deport” all the time; sometimes for short periods, sometimes for longer. I have never seen any persuasive evidence that the country would crash and burn if the “catchable ones” were deported. That’s probably a minority anyway.
So, why don’t these illegal immigrants stay in their own countries and," make their country great again."
They are economic migrants, plain and simple.
A decade working in the states can set them up back home.
The reward is worth the perceived risk.
Many of the “raids” ICE used to perform at businesses were planned by ICE and the employer. The way it works is that since the employer can’t question ID, but doubts some of it anyway, it will send a number of them to ICE which CAN investigate. If ICE determines there are a lot of illegals in the stack, it will “raid” the business. Of course, both ICE and the business know about it. ICE will go through the motions of “fining” the employer, which is really just covering the cost of the raid.

Some raids, of course, are real and not complicit. Some employers are bad actors.
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