\Do laws against Murder stop Murder?And I would like to know why you think a law banning abortion would stop abortion? Do you think lives will be saved? Do you think that women who seek abortion will bring their children to term because of the “law”?
You’re on the wrong side of the equation. If the hearts and minds of women are not changed to reject abortion, then there is no law that will prevent them from having abortions.
It’s like head hunting in New Guinea; the law may prohibit head hunting, but you will always find a shrunken head hanging around someone’s neck if you look hard enough (maybe not too hard either).
The notion that a law will change abortion statistics is a fantasy.
A complete waste of time on the part of the pro-life community. Of the one million abortions performed last year, the pro-life community changed not one mind or heart. That says everything you need to know about how the community at large regards abortion.
Before Roe abortions in this country were aprox 400,000 . Now they are 1.2 million a year-a three fold increase since abortion was forced upon the cuntry. This increase took place within 5 years of its passage Now tell me againn how laws forbidding abotion wont limit the number of abortions?
The “hearts and minds” argumnent is genrerally put forth by those who consistently vote for pro abortion canidates but need to rationalize their support of this abject evil. The arguments you put forth are the exact same ones out forth by the slaveocracyin this country as to why slavery should remain legal. Thankfully the aboliionists did not wait another 100 years for “hearts and minds” to change. We wont either.