How do you or I interpret “invincibly ignorant”? In other words, how does one know if he or she is invincibly ignorant? This seems to be essential. Is there consensus on what this means?i am not advocating father feeney’s position… feeney taught that water baptism and explicit faith was absolutley necessary for salvation… i beleive that the Church has rejected that notion…one is aloowed to hold the opinion that only baptized Catholics will go to heaven aslong as they acknowledge the possibility of implicit faith… my opinion is that (my opinion) it is possible for protestants and other religions to be save if they are invincibly ignorant, but very few if any will… but my main point in my earlier post was to state Protestanism is a false form of Christinity and saves no one…and i don’t always take a hard approach when i am tlaking to Protestants. especially if i have more then one chance of talking to them… but i always make them aware that their salvation is a t stake… i want to praise Pat madrid for having the courage to say thaT “protestants run the risk of going to hell” in his deabate with james white—listen to the deabte–he says it at the end—