Yes, but the correct one, because it was done precisely by same Church that actually wrote the Bible and is guided by Holy Spirit to be free of doctrinal error.Wouldn’t that make the Catechism one interpretation of The Word of God, the Bible? T
Private heretics, for example, are inside the Church by external union. Catechumens are inside the Church by internal union. Those who believe and profess that Jesus Christ is their Lord and Savior, and are properly baptized are in some, limited relationship to the Church. They are not inside the Church fully, but they are part of Church by virtue of being Christians. That does not make them Catholics, and only Catholics are fully inside the True Church of Christ which subsists in Catholic Church.That being outside The Church isn’t the Catholic Church but denying Jesus Christ is your Lord and Savior, living without The Holy Spirit guiding you to live by God’s Will?
That does not mean non-Catholics can not be saved! God will try to get them saved and lead them to Him, hence while it is preferable for them to be Catholics as that rapidly increases their chances of being saved, they still have some chance to do so… but grace of being in the Church should not be underestimated, and faith alone should not be overestimated.