1 Clement is the only non-canonical writing that is confirmed to have been written in the first century. But despite being written in the late first century, unlike the NT writings, 1 Clement does contain errors in it, unlike the NT writings. The dating of the Didache is uncertain, the earliest being AD 70, but as late as AD 120, & it too contains errors in them. Same with Ignatius’ epistles, which were early second century, as well as the epistle of Barnabas & the Shepherd of Hermas - all second century, and all have errors in them. So, being written in the first century is evidence of apostolic authorship, since there are errors in these early works, it does not warrant being inspired & included in the NT, like the canonical books.No, there were more than 1 Clement RC but even if that was the only one your “except” clause confirms my point.