Protestant OT books by Josephus

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Who cares what books Josephus listed. Was he a prophet? Is he infallible? The Jews don’t consider the New Testament to be Scripture either.
Who cares what books Josephus listed. Was he a prophet? Is he infallible? The Jews don’t consider the New Testament to be Scripture either
And can one ask who are we as gentiles to tell jews of back then about the OT book God entrusted to them?

Besides, does it take a prophet to cite what rabbis or any jewish magisterium considers to be holy writ, or a good historian ?
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The list Josephus listed is just one. It is obvious from the Dead Sea Scrolls recovery that what Jews considered to be Scripture varied across sects.
Not exactly, because Christians agree on the New Testament books.
Good point, for many reasons, and unlike OT.

Yet i wonder if there was more consensus by Jews than we think. I mean they had an alleged council and came out with consensus. Jerome saw a consensus also.
Yes jamnia…i also am impressed by Judaism functioning as they did through out OT without a council of sorts dealing with canonization, that they reach a consensus otherwise, forming a tradition on it, with rabbis all putting their two cents in thru " commentaries ( Mishnah / Talmud ?)… it is interesting that these also “added” to the Law, even to Writ so to speak.
If Josephus is used to support the King James version of the Bible. Then you must also include the quote from Antiquities 10.11.7 {217} which states that Daniel wrote SEVERAL BOOKS. Thus supporting the Catholic Bible that includes the other Books of Daniel; Bel and the Dragon, Susanna and the Elders, and The Song of the Three young men.
is there anything on the 6 chapters of Esther that the KJV does not include?

John 6:54-58
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Yes. If I understand correctly, chapters 10 -16 of Esther are not in the King James Version?
Josephus covers Esther in Antiquities Book 2 Chapter 6. He has the same letter of Esther chapter 13, in Antiquities II.6.6 So it appears to parallel the story line .
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