Well there’s most of your trouble… your reasons for thinking these things is that you use anti-Catholic sources to gain your knowledge about Catholicism… Unfortunately you are looking for writings that support your opinions instead of looking for the truth. If you want to learn about what the Catholic Church teaches than why not go to a Catholic sight to learn… Almost anything can be taken out of context and twisted to mean something else eek: … shocker I know).But I do have reasons for thinking that Catholics are taught by their leadership to lessen the authority of the Bible; to denigrate it to the point where it does not have the authority that God intended it to have in the Church; and God did intend that the Bible have FULL unhindered authority in His Church; and in His people. There are so many places where "the [Catholic] Church can be shown to minimize the Bible’s authority: Papal Rome Against The Bible
If you want to learn about somebody’s life should you go talk to their digruntle neighbor who just moved in or go talk to their neighbor that’s lived beside them their whole life?