Protestant said praying to Mary isn’t in the bible

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You’re of course welcome to do that Rosie, but in all likelihood he’s a troll and that’s exactly what he wants.

The page is almost right except that it suggests that Mary, not Christ, is our redeemer (the hell stuff, well that depends on the theological divide you stand on). It’'s more or less a passive/aggresive way of trying to justify the squewed teachings of some in the non-Catholic church.
“Instead, you have come to Mount Zion, to the city of the living God, the heavenly Jerusalem. You have come to myriads of angels in joyful assembly, to the congregation of the firstborn, enrolled in heaven. You have come to God the judge of all men, to the spirits of the righteous made perfect, and to Jesus the mediator of a new covenant, and to the sprinkling of blood, speaking better things than that of Abel.” - Hebrews 12:22-24

Jesus Christ said that God is God of the living, not of the dead.
The Angels and Saints are with Him; and by The Power of The Holy Spirit;
which they all are filled with the Grace to cooperate with Christ;
intercede through His Mediation. The Holy Bible also has a verse that
says God will honor those who honor God. They are outside of time with Christ,
so I believe God hears prayers we request for intercession by a ‘branch,’ connected
to the ‘Vine,’ mediated to ‘The Vine Keeper.’ Only God is Omniscient.
I think of those prayers in the likeness of “Lord God,
in the Name of Jesus Christ,
by the intercession of The Blessed Virgin Mary,
have mercy on us, now and at the hour of our death.”
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Do we really know that Luke interviewed Mary? For Protestants, Mary served the purpose of being Jesus mother, not much more.

Their attitude toward the Scriptures as being a certain and sole guide leaves Protestants extrapolating all kinds of doctrines… the Trinity being the prime example I can think of. The Scripture “bears witness to …” all of those arguments. Mary is not allowed this, it’s a way of contrasting themselves from Catholics. Bottom line: they use the “not in the Bible” point when it is convenient.
Luke says that his Gospel is based completely on eyewitness testimony.

He then proceeds to tell a lot about Jesus’ early life and specifically his mom’s feelings and thoughts. So either Luke talked with Mary, or you have to postulate some other person living cheek by jowl with Joseph, Mary, and Jesus… who was close enough to be told all of Mary’s important thoughts, but who never figured in any stories himself/herself.

Since ancient times, commentaries and sermons on Luke have said that Mary was the eyewitness Luke talked to. There are many legends about his close relationship with Mary when they met, during his Gospel research.

It would be more surprising to learn that early Church leaders and luminaries had no connection with each other. Even when the Church got bigger, and even when people could not meet in person, there was such a thing as the Imperial post, and scribes for the illiterate. But the Imperial road system was pretty safe, and Luke was known to have done a ton of traveling.

Heck, Mary might even have done some traveling herself. Every Jewish mother who is proud of her son is willing to put in some effort to let people know more about him…
Jesus granting of Mary’s intercession for others is biblical, John 2, 1-12
Don’t forget 1 Kings 2:19, in which the Queen Mother intercedes on behalf of a person to her son, the King. (The passage is also illustrative in that the decision whether to grant the request remains with the king, not with the queen mother.)
Pizza also isn’t in the Bible.

So what?
Clearly, this tells us that pizza with ham and pineapple is satanic. 🤣
Mary called called god her saviour only sinners need a saviour
Do babies who die in childbirth have personal sin? Do they need a savior? 😉
Your Roman Catholic doctrine of Purgatory denies that Christ suffered for, died for, and purged us from ALL of our sins on the cross, teaching that Roman Catholics must suffer for and be purged of sins in ‘Purgatory’.
He misunderstands what the teaching on purgatory is. We are purged of our imperfections, so that we might enter heaven, since nothing unclean can enter heaven (Rev 21:27).
Salvation is promised only to those of us that believe this Gospel.
So, Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob are in hell, because they believed in God but didn’t know Jesus? Moses is in hell, because he believed in the Mosaic covenant, not the New Covenant of Jesus?

Your friend is misled.
He’s now saying “the Catholic Church was founded by the devil and is rotten to the core sorry the truth is the best”
Just smile and tell him you’ll pray for him.
Luke 1:45 there it says (in Mary’s name) " look now all nations shall call me blessed". Ask them how do current prayers to Mary disagree with these quotes from the Bible.
If I were you I would also ask back. Is the “isn’t in the Bible” some unexpressed fear or disturbance against prayers to Mary? Why don’t they object to prayers to the Apostles and many other saints some of which never met Jesus? What do Protestants think that prayers to Mary do and any other rebuke they do not express? Many times I wonder if in this case “isn’t in the Bible” is an umbrella to hide other pre-enheritted ideas they might have.
God bless!
Also Queen Esther.
That’s kinda a different vibe, though. Esther was queen because she was the wife of the king. Bathsheba was queen because she was the mother of the Davidic king.
I’ve sent most of your responses to him and he stopped responding 😂 he couldn’t come up with any hard evidence to support his claims so he started insulting the rcc calling Catholic preist Paedophiles and the pope the anti christ he told me to run from the rcc while I still had the chance then he stopped responding 😂😂😂
Mary did need a Savior. Christ saved her at moment of her conception.
That is all well and good.

He needs to show you where it is doctrine to say this prayer.
So many misunderstand this.
She was preserved from sin by Divine not merited favor by the Merits of Jesus Christ;
His Life Death and Resurrection; in a similar way that anyone before Jesus Christ’s Incarnation was able to be saved.
Others are now ganging up on me these are there replies

His mother and brothers were amongst those who did not obey his own brother had no faith in him until after his resignation!

He was still speaking to the crowd when his mother and brothers appeared outside, asking to talk with him.But to the one who had informed him he replied, “Who is my mother? Who are my brothers?”Pointing to his talmidim, he said, “Look! Here are my mother and my brothers!Whoever does what my Father in heaven wants, that person is my brother and sister and mother.” - Matthew 12:46-50

We was told when we pray to pray to father Yah in heaven in his name Yeshua!

John Paul l know all this as a former Catholic but for OUR friend Rose marie l would not be bothered in the slightest about proving points she’s knows we are right but is afraid to step out because of Catholics WILL go against her just pray for her and the rest that they may open their sooner not later.

The last time l listen to THEM l went back to being a Catholic only to pray to Jesus Christ to show ME the TRUTH AND the TRUTH IS ONLY Jesus Christ NOT the Catholic church.(Please Note: This uploaded content is no longer available.)

Then used that picture saying “oh the new law not Jesus law not the bibles law”
Just block them and then they’ll get frustrated that they aren’t able to bother you anymore.
He was still speaking to the crowd when his mother and brothers appeared outside, asking to talk with him.But to the one who had informed him he replied, “Who is my mother? Who are my brothers?”Pointing to his talmidim, he said, “Look! Here are my mother and my brothers!Whoever does what my Father in heaven wants, that person is my brother and sister and mother.” - Matthew 12:46-50
Mary did the will of God.
We was told when we pray to pray to father Yah in heaven in his name Yeshua!

John Paul l know all this as a former Catholic but for OUR friend Rose marie l would not be bothered in the slightest about proving points she’s knows we are right but is afraid to step out because of Catholics WILL go against her just pray for her and the rest that they may open their sooner not later.

The last time l listen to THEM l went back to being a Catholic only to pray to Jesus Christ to show ME the TRUTH AND the TRUTH IS ONLY Jesus Christ NOT the Catholic church
The rest has terrible grammar and it’s hard to tell what he is trying to say.
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Jack Chick should use his talents in a positive way by spreading the message of Jesus. It would be better if he could avoid his negative portrayal of Roman Catholic beliefs. Perhaps someone close to him has been hurt somehow by a corrupt priest or something else to do with Catholicism. I know someone who was hurt terribly when his wife was found to be having relations with a priest and then subsequently got an annulment. She then proceeded to empty their joint bank account and took away his house that he had worked so hard for. She hired lawyers who succeeded in making him pay a huge amount for alimony and child support.
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