Something sounds off here in my thinking I feel but I can’t p(name removed by moderator)oint it.
All I’m reading is jealousy. The thing is, unplanned pregnancies can happen with other forms of birth control. Now, I think it sematics to not call NFP birth control that is approved by the Catholic Church. If you’re TTA, the medical community would call it birth control. The only reason to semantically deny that is to argument semantics to
seem to make a valid argument as to why NFP is moral and other contraceptives aren’t when you’re literally saying nothing. A well grounded argument is acknowledging that abstinence is the means of pregnancy prevention in the context of NFP, and that if you were to use barriers or other activities during the fertile window, you’d confess that as “I used artificial contraception during my fertile time X times.” or “a handful of times” or whatever.
Certainly you have a responsibility to your health and to your family. And that does mean that there are just and even grave reasons to avoid pregnancy. It’s just the means in which we pursue that goal which can be immoral (along with the proper attitude toward the procreative potential overall. Responsible parenthood is different from merely asking do you
want to be pregnant). Just reasons are morally neutral. Grave reasons are reasons when we are morally obligated to avoid and as such having sex during the fertile time would be an abandonment of the virtue of prudence to a severe degree.
Merely disregarding prudence and focusing ONLY on avoiding immoral means of pregnancy prevention is a way to avoid the moral obligation and to indulge in an attitude that you aren’t called to prudence and responsibility. Indeed, there are times where we simply can’t be perfectly as holy as we should. We are sinners…indeed, slaves to sin. And by denying one sin by declaring another sin not sinful, we end up with a view that distorts our perception of God and His love for us.
And mind you, this isn’t to say that you necessarily are pregnant because you abandoned prudence and sinned. I can’t know that. But don’t assume that another sin would have prevented the pregnancy. Again, unplanned pregnancies happen and so this situation could have happened to you even had you used a different method to avoid that didn’t involve the personal sacrifice of abstinence NFP involves.