SuperGrover, I’d like to also commend you on a beautiful post, and ask you for a favor.
I had not read your post when I wrote mine. I had generally the same “type” of experience that you did in your deep conversion, though all the details, of course, were different.
I did, though, come from a similar “intellectual” bent, but had been raised utterly a-religious. As one who was enamored of science from a very early age, I fell in love with the scientific method as a general rule in solving all problems, both physico-material and “emotional”.
What I noticed, eventually, was that most those who professed to use the scientific method seemed to apply it one way when dealing with “material searches for the truth” and in an apparent backwards way when dealing with “emotional (as I thought of it then) searches for the truth”.
They were observably drawing conclusions before doing their experiments when it came to these “emotional” subjects.
I simply knew that that was wrong, and that the “systematic truths” built into the universe would indeed give me the right answers to my questions if I “asked” correctly, by using the “obviously divine” procedure that the universe had provided for us.
So, when the “God shaped hole” presented itself to be dealt with, as it were, in early adolescence, I naturally did my experiments with every religion available which WASN’T Judeo-Christian, as that group was OBVIOUSLY utterly “unreasonable”.
This proved to be a fortunate misconception. When all the other religions proved to be one variety or another of pointless circularity which generated more questions than answers, and never reinforced their own beliefs with any actual experiential evidence, I gave up hope of FINDING religion (as I knew there was only ONE Godly religion and one of the “human” religions would be closer to it than any other) and decided to “invent” my own, as the Judeo-Christianity group was still “silly” in my book.
But I needed something to “test” with my precious scientific method to get confirmation I was going in the right direction.
“Mere Christianity” gave me something to test. I was getting reinforcements from the hypotheses presented by the these beliefs. Then Chesterton gave me more to test.
Suddenly, I discovered I was Catholic. I didn’t CHOOSE it, I discovered I WAS it.
I always knew that science, aka knowledge, and religion, the actual religion on which the universe is “based” and “operates”, couldn’t possibly be at war with each other. But I didn’t know how that could be, before finding the proof from my faith in those beliefs which generated reasons to give me some reasoning that my hopes were correct, and that there was more to hope FOR than I could ever have “invented” from “natural law” without God’s revelation given to some of my brothers from whom I humbly chose to learn.
If I could ask you to read my first posting in this thread, and comment on it, I’d very much appreciate it.
Best to you.