I’ve been gone all weekend in hell (Kansas City), so I’ll try to answer some of the stuff posted. I think I’ll be summarizing mostly.
I’m absolutely amazed by the variety in responses. Everything from outright attack to cordial discussion. I can’t help but one wonder which one the Bible supports. I remember it specifically saying to cast non-believers out, but it also says to argue with us because your words will be inspired by God. I’ll be unable to refuse the truth… I don’t know - just a thought.
I’m not sure how many thought my posts were “talking down” to the people here or really condescending, but I know of at least one, and I imagine several others feel the same way. I thought I did an excellent job of
not getting angry with some of the comments. If someone mentioned something like atheism being a faith on an atheist forum or just using logic that made no sense - well - I don’t think it would be so nice.
For the record, atheism is not a faith in the sense of believing without or in spite of evidence. Atheism is not a religion either. It just gets so annoying answering that one over and over again.
Atheism is also not a belief system. It’s a lack of belief. It’s an entirely different thing than a belief. That’s the difference between strong and weak atheism.
In fact, perhaps just dropping the word would help. I don’t think there is a such thing as a God for the same reasons I don’t think there is a boogie man. It’s the same reason you don’t believe in Zeus. I really, really don’t see why people believe in Jesus, but not Ra when the evidence is pretty similar.
However, the anecdotal evidence that’s being mentioned is really interesting. If I understand right, many of you feel that you have a close, personal relationship with a supernatural figure. Mentioning the obvious here, I imagine you can’t ask God to show up or put a reason to believe in place. I mean, it seems God would be able to tell you some sort of information that would make the rest of us run to our local church. Blah - I keep getting stuck on ideas…
I understand that these feelings are extremely strong, but then I have to wonder about the extremely strong feelings associated with Muslims talking to God. Which one is correct? What about Jews? These experiences are in most every religion from Christianity to Paganism. Even non-theistic religions have some sort of mystical experience like this. How can I believe that you guys have the relationship with your God when someone else is claiming that they have a relationship with a completely different God that says your God doesn’t exist? I have to look into history and realize that relationships with things like stars and rocks or even things that don’t exist are fairly common.
In fact, what about ghosts and aliens? I can already imagine the responses, but why is this phenomenon different than that of the paranormal? This stuff can actually be duplicated in many cases.
Is this God touching a girl?
How can I know which one is real?
I just did a bunch of research on the alien reports for a paper, and there are very, very few sightings though each year; at least compared to the world population. The kinds of things you guys are reporting are much, much more common and travel through almost every religion.
I’m not going to deny the obvious here. If I heard a booming voice from the sky, I’d probably think God existed. If I saw a UFO - same thing. Anecdotal evidence may be extremely convincing. I can tell you a few stories myself that I used to believe were evidence of the supernatural. Speaking of the supernatural… What is supernatural?
To me it seems like saying “super real,” like it’s real, but it doesn’t have to obey the same rules as things that are just regular real. Supernatural spoons can break the laws of physics by bending while regular spoons can only look pretty. I’m going way off topic, but it seems to me if someone was talking and said “No - you can’t see me. I don’t obey the laws of the universe,” that I’d be skeptical real quick. I guess I’m saying that to me when you guys say “supernatural,” it sounds like you are saying something has every quality of existence except - you know - existence. And to me, I’d rather replace a supernatural car with a real car.