I think the poster was trying to say, while they are ‘regular’ people, just like anyone us, but their views and choices are disordered (not natural).
God created man and woman to be together, no other combination can result in offspring, I think that alone says a great deal. The bible is consistent with the fact that engaging in homosexual behavior is wrong and an abomination to God, trying to persuade others that it is not and their sinful ways should be accepted by everyone, is extremely wrong.
This is really just part of a larger deception, we are slowly and methodically being led away from the truth and Gods law, deception is not going to come in easy to recognize ways, its going to be ‘grey’ issues, like this, just look at all the controversy this has caused in the christian world alone, can you imagine what it would be like if a stronger/larger deception came along?!!
Thats what happening now, we are prepped for deceptions to come, stronger deceptions, if we are already on the wrong path so to speak, it will that much harder for us to recognize more important, far reaching deceptions when they come.