So why hasn’t God sent any warnings or other signs for a long time?
Thats the million dollar question imo. I wish I knew.
Its clear God sent many warnings back in the OT times, and these were not personal type warnings, these were HUGE, disastrous things, many many people saw and recognized them to be warnings.
However, lets say some big event did happen next week, like if billions of locusts were suddenly let loose, and they destroyed crops, killed people, livestock, and caused all kinds of global problems, we have to ask…would it even be recognized as a warning from God, what was the warning in regard to?
In the bible, apparently the people knew why the warnings were sent, we would not be as lucky, it would be guess at best and naturally, there would be millions of different opinions, so who would be right, Would the Vatican/ church recognize it as a warning? what should they do as a result?
I HIGHLY doubt our modern world would even accept it WAS a warning from God, I assume they would get some scientist to explain it away using big words and there was no way we could have predicted such a thing.
Thats where our modern world is at right now though, we are so far removed from God and morality, we can probably not even recognize ANY warning sent by God, NO MATTER how supernatural or bizarre it happens to appear…the fact remains though, NO current world nation would EVER admit some event was a real warning from God.