I just wanted to know the view of purgatory you believe in…
I wondered that, too. Still, if there is suffering in purgatory, it seems to me that there must be some sense of duration. We’ve all had the experience of a sharp twinge of pain that was intense, but of such short duration that we hadn’t time really to suffer. On the other hand, pain of lesser intensity but of protracted duration can amount to real suffering.How does “time” work in Purgatory? Since the after life seems to be out side of time. Just curious.
You’re given a watch that runs REALLY slowly, like one second is equal to 1,000 years, that’s in Scripture somewhere… Just joking of course.How does “time” work in Purgatory? Since the after life seems to be out side of time. Just curious.Mel
I have to agree with you here. I think it’s a real place with real fire, but I must admit that I perked up a bit when I saw how much in the minority I am (at this point) and maybe it’s not as bad as I anticipate???I could very well be(and sincerely hope I am)wrong.
That’s not entirely true. Choice #2 is equally acceptable. From the CCC:Anything other than the first choice is not Catholic. Throughout history Purgatory has been taught to have the same fires as does hell. God bless.
**1031 The Church gives the name Purgatory to this final purification of the elect, which is entirely different from the punishment of the damned. The Church formulated her doctrine of faith on Purgatory especially at the Councils of Florence and Trent. The tradition of the Church, by reference to certain texts of Scripture, speaks of a cleansing fire
Jason, yes, I think that’s what he meant. It was because I had a sense that there are three ‘places’ you could go. I may have even thought that purgatory was sort of like a mini-hell, with the same spiritual ‘ambience’ so to speak, as hell.Nel, when your confessor says that purgatory is “in heaven”, perhaps he’s referring to the fact that souls in purgatory are saved already, and just enduring their final purification necessary before they may experience the Beatific Vision. I tend to believe it is a real place with fire and a sense of duration, but more because of the testimony of the souls there than anything else; I could very well be(and sincerely hope I am)wrong.
Wait a minute…I didn’t think the Church taught that it is actually we who do the cleansing, but God.Simply put, Purgatory is where you cleanse yourself of all remaining imperfections prior to entering Heaven.