Sigh. There are some things about Putin and his ideology that I want to support or commend, but he’s a better statesman and builder of a cult of personality than he is a genuine God-fearing Christian.
Putin is very much a traditional leader trying to consolidate an Orthodox autocracy with theocratic influences in a country that’s economically behind, globally mistrusted and in a bad position in most aspects of international relations. I like Orthodox Christianity enough to call its adherents Orthobros and the Russian Orthodox Church has been important in preserving the love of Christ throughout the east. Russia’s ban of pornography (production, not consumption), merging of the church and state, hostility towards the LGBT movement, and restrictions on abortion (although abortion isn’t becoming illegal soon enough) are not inherently bad policies for a leader focused on defending Christianity in an era of forced secularization and misperceptions of “separation of church and state”. They’re not extreme measures, but enough to have Western liberals freak out.
What isn’t cool about Putin? Well, a lot, and there are reasons for Western liberals and Eastern reformers to be concerned about Putin’s seemingly-endless reign. There’s a pretty solid lines between social and economic liberalism and authoritarian rule. Putin’s reign involves the killing of critical journalists and political opposition, the suppression of the Roman Catholic Church, the invasion of neighboring sovereign countries, the extensive use of cyberwarfare in intelligence, and other aspects of government that any genuine Catholic or Orthodox Christian should not like. It’s not so much about preserving or reviving the ROC; it’s about eliminating all opposition through inhumane measures. Catholics shouldn’t celebrate Putin when his administration refuses the construction of non-Orthodox or non-Byzantine Catholic churches.
I’ve grown more open to the concept of theocracy, or at the very least, a state that’s governed by genuine Catholic or Orthodox teaching - especially in this age of forced secularism and its ripple effects - but Putin has no intention of dedicating a new Christendom in the East. Instead, he cares about maintaining power until his death, removing opposition to his reign and the prominence of the ROC. There are good reasons why he’s seen as a threat to liberalism, and it’s not all about his social policies.