Question from Semi-Returning Catholic

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And the answer is no - you can’t make worship a solo sport. It’s by design a communal activity, which is why Jesus gathered disciples and founded a Church rather than telling everyone to go off on their own individually to worship alone.
There again, you really don’t have a firm understanding, but it appears you’re on a somewhat decent path to it. Yes, there are saints, living and deceased, praying for you. You don’t have to go through them, but you’re disadvantaging yourself when you don’t. You’re ignoring your family. You don’t get to decide to pick and choose parts of the faith, but you’ll need to pray God opens your heart and mind to understand this further.

If a priest were to assign you a penance or the parish were to pray a Hail Mary during Mass, you should participate the same as you would phone your grandma on her birthday rather than spitefully refuse, if those are the two options.
And the answer is no - you can’t make worship a solo sport. It’s by design a communal activity, which is why Jesus gathered disciples and founded a Church rather than telling everyone to go off on their own individually to worship alone.
Which is one of the reasons I wanted to go back to church but its starting to sound like going back to my roots isn’t going to be a good idea…

I did go to a Bible class at my local Catholic church, some of the members said praying or not praying to saints wouldn’t be an issue, its my choice. But its starting to sound like it will be… if I want to be respectful and go back to a Catholic church.

I haven’t spoken to a priest yet about it… kind of delaying going back to confessions (its been a while), but I did plan to go this week. I just wanted to get some advice about it first. I do remember the “Say 10 Hail Mary” part from when I was a child, which is what brought me here to ask my question. 🙂

Thank you for your help and giving me a lot to think about… I appreciate the advice and welcome any more you may have for me.

God Bless.
Do speak to your priest; it’s clearer when you’re getting answers in person than online. It doesn’t need to be a confession - that can come later when you’re ready. The fact that you’re questioning and making this effort says you’re on the right path. Don’t let us be a discouragement.
… the same as you would phone your grandma on her birthday rather than spitefully refuse, if those are the two options.
that’s why I’m asking… but spiteful is kind of harsh. I’m not trying to be evil, I’m trying to find a path to God. I would never refuse my grandmother anything, nor would I refuse God. I’m asking how to be respectful on my journey.

If wishing my grandmother Happy Birthday and I had an issue of using the phone as a way to get to her… then I’d ask for advice on other ways to do it.

If praying to saints the only way to get my prayers heard by God and I have issues with praying to them… I’m asking for other ways to get to God without them. But if those in authority, those who’s advise I seek say its the only way, then I have some hard choices to make… you know what I mean.
I would never ask anyone to pray for me…I just don’t
Greetings, Anna. I’m exactly the same way. I’m an extremely private person, a non Catholic who loves Catholicism. But I think I may be able to help you with at least one aspect of what you’ve been asking, which is regarding your discomfort in saying the Hail Mary. I’ve heard many Catholic teachers on You Tube, most notably Dr. David Anders, say often that praying the Rosary or saying the Hail Mary is not required. The Little Flower, St. Therese of Liseiux, did not much care for the Rosary. So as an observer of the faith, I would not worry at all about your dislike of this part of the prayer life, though others here obviously will have differing opinions. If you genuinely want to return to the Church, I think that desire overrides any and all other considerations.

I pray the Rosary regularly but never with the idea that I’m praying to or with any of the saints. As Bishop Robert Barron put it, praying the Rosary, especially once it becomes a very familiar and automatic personal ritual, clears the mind of distractions. A very common complaint with people who wish to pray is that their focus is so easily taken elsewhere. By occupying the mind with a repetitive mantra we block out the distractions which would otherwise overtake us. I have found that in praying the Rosary I actually enter into a deeper dialog with God because while doing it this way my mind is not prone to think about the tasks of the day, the worries of life, or what to make for dinner. It’s another way of looking at things, anyway. 🙂
I cannot for the life of me as a lifelong Catholic remotely understand how any Catholic would have an issue with saying the Hail Mary. I can’t imagine how offensive that might be to her Son. The whole prayer is scriptural and honors Him. You should speak to a good priest about this.
sorry I missed this… but understand, I don’t want to be offensive to God. That’s the last thing I want to be… I want to be respectful to the Lord, Our Father.

If saying Hail Mary is the "only way’ to show God respect, only way to get to God hear my prayers, the only path to Jesus… to The Father… then I have a lot of problems… and a LOT to think about.

I know its not, I know to get to The Father I have to go through The Son, Jesus. I know Jesus is the ONLY WAY to get to The Father… and if that’s so, to me praying the Hail Mary shouldn’t be an important part to my path to God.

That’s why I’m asking if I want to return to my roots by going back to a Catholic church, do I have to pray the Hail Mary to do it, its sounding like I do… so, yea I need to speak to a good priest. sigh

Thank you all again. 🙂
Dr. David Anders
Thank you I have to look him up.

I haven’t used my Rosary beads correctly in a long time… just to send a kiss up to Jesus and thank Him for what He’s done.

I did look up saying the Rosary and learned it can be a very useful way to help you stay focus in you’re prayers to God, but I also learned about something called Jesus Beads, or rope or sash… can’t remember exactly what it was called, but its basically rope with 100 knots on it and is used when saying the Jesus prayer, “Lord Jesus, son of God, have mercy on me a sinner”… since that prayer is me in such a specific way, I was thinking of using that prayer with the Rosary instead… with The Lords Prayer as well. shrug
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Hail Mary is what Archangel Gabriel told Mary. Can you see it as a way of attaching yourself to a high ranking Archangel in repeating His words? Because it may be this also. We are said Angels celebrate Mass together with us and that Heaven is reconciliation of all.
But maybe just try going to confession and see what the priest has to say.
The Hail Mary ten times is not a recipe…
I was thinking of using that prayer with the Rosary instead
We all do what works best for us, my friend. The whole idea is to become as most in tune with the Divine as we can. For each of us that will be a very personal thing and no one can say, “you’re loving God incorrectly” . 🙂
sorry I missed this… but understand, I don’t want to be offensive to God. That’s the last thing I want to be… I want to be respectful to the Lord, Our Father.
When I converted, Mary was my biggest stumbling block. In fact, I reached a point where I could intellectually consent to the Marian Dogmas, but, I did not take part in any private devotions. Yeah, I had a Rosary because someone gave me one, but, that was it.

I had been Catholic for 3ish years when I read two books:

Fulton Sheen “The World’s First Love”

Scott Hahn “Hail Holy Queen”

After reading those, I prayed my first ever rosary.

I wish someone had given me those books YEARS before.
I know its not, I know to get to The Father I have to go through The Son, Jesus. I know Jesus is the ONLY WAY to get to The Father… and if that’s so to me praying the Hail Mary shouldn’t be an important part to my path to Go
Mary, in Scripture, always does one thing, she points us to Jesus “Do whatever He tells you”.

The Hail Mary is not part of the official prayers of the Mass. If a priest adds it, it is perfectly okay for you to maybe say the Scriptural part “Hail Mary, Full of Grace, the Lord is with you. Blessed are you among women, and blessed is the fruit of your womb, Jesus” and then remain respectfully silent for the other half.

Accept the dogmas. Read the books and remember, Mary would never want to distract us from Christ.

Another book, one written by a Protestant, is a Rosary reflectin “One for Sorrow, Two for Joy”.

Last thought, for me, the Rosary is like going over to my best friend’s house, sitting on the sofa with my friend’s mom and listening as she shows me the family photo album.
There is no requirement to pray to the saints or Mary.

What was suggested to me was to tell the priest that you do not pray to Mary or the saints, so that when he gives penance to do, he doesn’t give you prayers to Mary. I myself was told to say four Our Father’s and to find a prayer that I want to say and say that four times. That was my penance.
A lot of people here have touched on the difference between praying to (conversing with) saints and worshiping them, but that’s not really what you are asking, so I will attempt to answer your original questions.
Isn’t it more of an insult to God to say them and not mean the words I say,
Yes. It is more of an insult to voice words that you do not mean than to not say them at all.
Can I respectfully ask my father, my priest for absolution for my sins without saying 10 Hale Mary’s or what ever number of prayers he wants me to say as penance for my sins?
This is a matter to take up with your confessor. Respectfully explain to him that you are not comfortable praying to Mary and the other Saints before you take part in Confession. Tell him why you feel this way. Ask him if he would be willing to give you an alternate form of penance. Perhaps, instead of the rosary, you could pray the chaplet of Divine Mercy. Most priests will be willing to work with you (although most priests will also probably try to convince you that it’s ok to pray to saints). But don’t spring this on him last minute. It will be very uncomfortable for both of you, if you try to have this conversation in the confessional.
how can I go to church and respectfully not participate in prayers to saints, especially Mary…
For most of the mass, there are no prayers to saints and you can participate fully and with no reservations for those parts. When intercessions do come up, or when the Litany of Saints is prayed at Easter, or if the priest says “St. _______, Pray for us,” just respectfully remain silent.

I would encourage you to examine your own feelings on the matter, to better understand what specifically about praying to saints makes you uncomfortable. I would encourage you to read Catholic doctrine on the subject. But, most of all, I would encourage you to keep coming to mass.
James 1:5 " But if any of you lacks wisdom, he should ask God who gives to all generously and ungrudgingly, and he will be given it."

Love and Prayers
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How? how can I go to church and respectfully not participate in prayers to saints, especially Mary… and can I respectfully ask my father, my priest for absolution for my sins without saying 10 Hale Mary’s or what ever number of prayers he wants me to say as penance for my sins? Isn’t it more of an insult to God to say them and not mean the words I say, I’d rather say 10 of the Lord’s Prayers…

so basically can I be a true Catholic without praying to saints?
I understand what you’re saying. & have felt similarly at one time or another. What helped me was to listen to how the prayers of the Mass are said & pray likewise.

If you don’t go to daily Mass, pick up a missal & read the collect, the Eucharistic prayers, & the closing prayers. Especially on feast days.

Whether you know it or not, the Saints are always praying with you.
I think some people are misunderstanding me and for that Im sorry.

Im not saying there is something wrong with praying to saints, Im not even asking why you do it or weather or/not you should. Saints are not the problem Im having.

Yes, I believe in saints, I know they exist. I bieve in Mary, who she is and how important she was in.scripture. I could never be who she is. I respect her and love her, I’m okay with her. God bless her.

But what Im asking is do I have to pray to her to return to the Catholic church?

Why? Im sure some of you want to ask… Why, do I want to go back to a Catholic churce if I have an issue praying to saints?

Simple. I grew up Catholic, I was baptized Catholic, was raised Catholic. So going back to a Catholic church after decades of leaving it made sense. Going back to my roots, before finding another garden for this seed I want to grow made sense. I just figured if Im looking why not start in my original garden. shrug

Dont ask why I left, it was for way too many reasons to write…but one reason, was the huge emphasis on prayers to saints. Which is why I asked my question.

You dont have to prove to me its right, its important, its just, its okay with God.

I just want to know if its necessary if I want to go back to a Catholic church… thats all.

IM SO SOORY if I offended anyone with my question… IM SORRY if anyone thought I was looking for justification for it… Thank God no one thought I was trying to start an argument about it…

But Im just lost and its time I go home, I just dont know which home to go too and Im just trying to figure it out… thats all.

Thank you for listening and trying to help me.
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Do you understand the difference between these kinds of veneration:


It seems to me from things you’ve posted you are conflating them. I don’t have a Catechism handy, or I would give you the paragraphs to look at.

Please look it up, I think it would help you greatly.

Deacon Christopher
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