If the issue is just the semantics of what “praying to saints” actually means, then there should be no problem.
“pray” simply means “ask”
To me pray doesn’t simply mean to ask, it is a form of worship, however you say it. To me it will always mean a form of worship that should only be given to God.
I haven’t spoken to my priest yet, but I did bring this up with the members of my class. It came out when we started talking about Joseph. About how brave of a man he is, how brave he was to be strong enough to save Mary’s life… yes, topic for different board.
Anyway, they said a lot of the same things you guys did on this board. Tried to explain Latria, Hyper-Dulia, Dulia… and I think I understand the difference. Explained the difference between prayers in worship to God and prayers to offer honor/respect to Mary… but they also agree there can be a very thin line to between them and that sometimes a person’s mind can take them too far off to the wrong side.
Maybe some of you are right, maybe I’m putting too much emphases into a simple word like pray, but I don’t think I am.
A few of you have said I do NOT have to go through Mary to get to God. All I’m doing is asking for help… and all I’m asking is do I HAVE to in order to worship God in a Catholic church? If I’m not worshiping Mary, praying to Mary in a form of worship just asking for help, then why do I have too if all I want to do is worship God?
She is God’s mother, she is right there with God, talking to Him on my behalf on all our behalf. I appreciate that, I just don’t want to pray to her… because of what the word means to me, yes that’s the only reason… and if you can’t understand that then you don’t really understand my question.
By the way, like I said… I haven’t spoken to the priest yet, but my class seems to think I can be a respectful, practicing Catholic without praying to Mary. It won’t be easy, but who said worshiping God was easy. They did appreciated my honesty with how I felt… and they seem to think my feelings will change in time. God’s will, so who knows.
they suggest I just keep silent during prayers to any saints… and speak to the father when it comes to confessions.
So thanks everyone I think I have my answer. Thank you father in heaven for bringing me here to this board which gave me the strength to return home. God Bless you all.