I would like to suggest two resources for you to use in evaluating music. The first is a book by Catholic author, Peter Kreeft. It is called, “The Best Things in Life”. Go to chapter 8 were “Socrates” has a discussion with a fictitous student, “Felicia Flake,” at Desperate State University regarding rock music. Peter Kreeft is great for helping you to get to the foundation of an issue. Obviously, I can’t put the whole chapter here, but here is a small quote: “Socrates: … A great variety of spirits come to us on the wings of music, into the deepest recesses of the soul. They come to places where the light of reason has never shone. They come gliding past the gatekeeper, Reason, the censor and judge which patrols the soul’s borders. Felicia: You mean music should be censored by reason? Socrates: Not what I think you mean by reason–sanity, seeing what is, conformity to Truth. This is the proper gatekeeper of the soul. Music slips past him more effectively than anything else. That is why my pupil Plato wanted the state to censor music.” The second source I would recommend was an article published in a Seton Home Study School Newsletter. You can read it on line by going to www.setonhome.org. Click on the “Site Map” at the top right of the page. Next, on the lower left, click on “About Seton”. When you see “Newsletters”, click on that. Type in “January 2004” and “download”. This will take you to the newsletter. Using the tabs on the side, go to page 3 and use the icons at the top to enlarge it. The article is entitled “The Moral Power of Music,” excepts from an article by Father Basil Nortz. It is excellent. The complete article was first published in Homiletic and Pastoral Review in April 2002 and can also be read at www.catholic.net/rcc/Periodicals/hom. That will help you with the “why’s”, but I haven’t any suggestions for the “how” end of it. Good luck!