So true are the words of Samuel Longhorn Clemens…He proves God exists and his most Precious people, the Jews are favored and protected forever!
but at the same time why does God give them all these chances to repent?..ive read a lot of the “Old Testament” and every other page the Jews were right back to the same old detestable practices, where is true justice? or am I not someone to open his mouth, God does what he does and I should not even go there, I am “less than nothing”?
i dont know what your doing in a Christian chatroom, but you came at a good time…you asked if i had anymore questions…
these concern Christians…i accept your personal opinion no matter how harsh or lite, this will not be used as grounds for attack or hard feelings. i honestly dont know what the Jews think about the following…
1)Nowdays, do Jews think that Jesus was a dangerous/bad person for what he said and did/caused? Was what he said about people like the Pharisees fair/true or were they in the right? Did he really heal people, miracles, etc?
2)Did “Christians” steal/unjustly-use the Sacred Writings (Law, Histories, prophecies, psalms,etc) and other Jewish “things”? Is this very very bad, i.e. the ultimate blasphemy?
3)Have you every read the “New Testament”? do Jews think that it was fitted/built around old prophecy instead of it really happening? I have read/heard lots of stuff (and believe in it) and I dont know how else a Jew could see something else of it or how it will come, for example (from the New Testament are a lot of the phrophecies)…
a)Psalm 110:1 “The Lord said to my Lord: Sit at my right hand…” (who is the other Lord, is he a mere human?)
b)Zech 13:17 “I will strike the shepherd, and the sheep will be scattered” (who are the sheep and who is the shepherd?)
c)Micah 5:2 “But you, Bethlehem…will come a ruler who will be the shepherd of my people Israel”
d)Ps 78:2 " I will open my mouth in parables, I will utter things hidden since the creation of time" (what parables are these?)
e)Gen 2:24, Matthew 19:4-9 Jesus-“Therefore what God has joined, let man not separate.” “Moses permitted you to divorce…because your hearts were hard. But it was not this way in the beginning.” (This seems like a fair statement to me.)
f)Zech 9:9 “…See, your king comes to you, gentle and riding on a donkey…” (Why is the king on a donkey, is this no big deal?)
- are non-Jews nobodies who God doesnt care about? What about me, what am i to God?
p.s. i seem to have gotten carried away with all those questions, you dont need to go through each if it is too time consuming