Why is humming, or any music for that matter audible to anyone else?
It is a private prayer, in the sense that it is a personal prayer, but it is also either for praise, or petition (usually healing) It is private in the sense that is is not liturgical, but can be prayed out loud for the edification of an individual for whom it is offered or for the group in group praise.
We use our voice in praise–it is personal, but can be done in a group. (The Rosary is private prayer, even when it is done in a group)
from the Catholic Encyclopedia
Mysty101. However, you have missed my point. If the prayer is in a tongue of some sort, which is what several posters have indicated, then another person cannot be edified by it unless it is interpreted, because it is not intelligible. That other person does not know what you are saying. He/she may make the assumption that you are praising God, but it has been reported by some who understood different languages and walked into a meeting where several were speaking in tongues, they heard one or two persons
cursing God. The persons doing it did not know it, and thought they were praising God, but they did not know what they were saying. They certainly didn’t intend to curse God.
If the private prayer language is not intelligible to the person praying, then only God knows what that person is really saying. Is that not risky? The feeling, the intention are no doubt good. Absolutely.
If the private prayer language is not intelligible to anyone else, why would the person praying, pray out loud? The prayer cannot edify the others. They don’t know its meaning so
the only thing that they could take from it, assuming they believe it is good, *is that the person praying is a spiritual person. *Didn’t Jesus have a warning about that approach to prayer? Now if that prayer is in a language all can understand, of course it can be uplifting and edifying for the entire group. The Rosary, for example, is prayed in the language of the group.
As to group dynamics and suggestion, if enough are doing the one thing, it is easy for someone to fall into the group pattern, and then believe later that it is real. Certainly it is real. But is it of God? Particularly when nobody knows **what **is being said, only
Group dynamics and suggestion are not evil in and of themselves. We see that in every meeting of Christians, in particular, the mass. When we walk in and genuflect, we are personally acknowledging the presence of our Lord, but we are re-enforcing that reverence in the minds of everyone who sees us do it. The music, as you mentioned, is similar. When we all are singing the same song of praise, we re-enforce each other. But how can we re-enforce something in the minds and hearts of others if we and they do not understand it, but only presume that it is good? Why? Because we were taught by someone that it has to be good.
Now, if there were nothing in the Bible or Tradition or Magesterium to guide us, or tell us whether what we are doing is good or not, is of the Holy Spirit or not, we could be excused on the grounds of invincible ignorance. But we have plenty to guide us. I’ll not go round and round that same arguments again and again, other than to say that anyone who’s mind is open, doesn’t have to listen to me or any other poster here. All they need to do is read the warnings of St. Paul, the warnings of St. Theresa of Avila. It is clear. Don’t seek these things out.