Sorry, no. No and no.elling the protesters for racial equality that they should stop marching and just forgive and love the white supremacists is like telling the abortion protesters they should stop marching and just forgive and love the politicians who make abortion legal. Both of these are equally offensive to the sincere people on those marches.
God has told us all that we need to forgive and love our enemies, and there are no exceptions. Not for the 1,000 priests the Soviet atheists sent to the gulag -12 were alive after five years. Not for the Jews and the Nazis who sent them to the ovens. Not for the poor couple whose life savings were stolen, or for the abused girl and her sexually perverted father. No exceptions.
In June of this year, Biden stated he approved of abortion until the moment of birth. The Democrats recently put forth a 66 million dollar bill to fund abortion abroad, likely, if passed, to mean millions of innocent babies murdered. But I am not allowed to rage or hate or loot or even be mean to them, even if I feel these actions are the actions of monsters.
God’s laws are always to our benefit. Anger and hatred hurt the person who holds onto these emotions, corrupts the soul, leaves the person emotionally crippled, damaged, stymied, unable to move forward in life.