Rainbow Sash Movement is happy with our bishop. Calls on the Diocese of Orange

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**Rainbow Sash Movement calls on the Diocese of Orange, California to Save Innocent Children of Gay Parents from fundamentalist Zealots. **



****We are saddened that fundamentalist Catholics would use innocent children to push their anti Gay agenda. The School officials of St. John Baptist are rightfully championing the rights of Gay Parents to send their children to Catholic Schools. Some Catholic Bishops have found the back bone to speak out against this radical fundamentalist nonsense in the Catholic Church, and Bishop Brown joins those voices of reason within the Catholic Church. ****


I voted yes but I think children of gay parents should be allowed in Catholic schools. They need a positive moral influence from somewhere.
The Rainbow Sashers Movement says -
"We are saddened that fundamentalist Catholics would use innocent children to push their anti Gay agenda."

This comment is so sick!

I can honestly say that " I am saddened that homosexual activitists are using children to push their agenda!"

Let us face it!

**Some homosexuals have taken children into their custody and are now living a lie. **

What disturbs me is that the Catholic hierarchy and part of the Catholic population is embracing homosexuals and their lifestyle.

**I was at a packed funeral Mass yesterday filled many family members. A notoriously active homosexual who was present with ‘partner’ stood up and read the first reading. With all the other family members there couldn’t someone else have been asked to read the word of God? Yes! **

**I am sick and tired of this ‘In your face homosexuality’ all over the place including my Catholic Church and Catholics schools. :mad: **

Bishops in the USA need to start growing a little back bone and get to work cleaning the ranks of active homosexual clergy and people who are permissive of it! NOW! Do your job!!!
I voted yes but I think children of gay parents should be allowed in Catholic schools.
Gay parents are allowed at Catholic schools and Catholic churches. It is only when they act out their lifestyle publicly (especially on church property) that it becomes a problem (i.e., their sin causes a public scandal). This is the same for other public sinners, for example, prostitutes or drug dealers. They are welcome at Mass. But if they tried to ply or promote their “lifestyle” at a Catholic school, they would become persona non grata. Obvious, no?
They need a positive moral influence from somewhere.
There is plenty of that around, IF they are willing to hear. Otherwise, their public scandal becomes a temptation to sin for others, and would require constant and immediate correction by Church leaders. Would you volunteer to follow them around proclaiming Church teaching on Homosexuality to those within earshot and commanding them to “sin no more”?
Why is an active homosexual couple with children sending their children to a Catholic school if they don’t adhere to and believe in Church teachings?

Is it time for parents to sign commitment papers before admittance of their children to a Catholic school?

Problem solved.
Why is an active homosexual couple with children sending their children to a Catholic school if they don’t adhere to and believe in Church teachings?QUOTE]
Lots of possible reasons:

Better education…

Because there are a lot of Catholic schools in the US that don’t teach the entirety of Church doctrines. (don’t assume that just because a school is “Catholic” they are faithful to the Church)…

Often times a safer environment (in terms of guns, drugs, etc)…
Why is an active homosexual couple with children sending their children to a Catholic school if they don’t adhere to and believe in Church teachings?QUOTE]
Lots of possible reasons:

Better education…

Because there are a lot of Catholic schools in the US that don’t teach the entirety of Church doctrines. (don’t assume that just because a school is “Catholic” they are faithful to the Church)…

Often times a safer environment (in terms of guns, drugs, etc)…
It is high time for ALL Catholic schools to raise standards of admittance.
It is also high time for ALL Catholic schools to teach the entirety of Church doctrines.
It is high time for a parents to sign a commitment and agreement to adhere to Church teachings if they want their children in a Catholic school.
Why is an active homosexual couple with children sending their children to a Catholic school if they don’t adhere to and believe in Church teachings?QUOTE]
Lots of possible reasons:

Better education…

Because there are a lot of Catholic schools in the US that don’t teach the entirety of Church doctrines. (don’t assume that just because a school is “Catholic” they are faithful to the Church)…

Often times a safer environment (in terms of guns, drugs, etc)…
I frankly believe most of them are doing it to advance their agenda. There are plenty of other private schools that have a good program. Gee why aren’t they going to Episcopal schools?

There was a very lengthy thread on the subject of a homosexual couple who not only enrolled their two boys but were very involved in the school (one a volunteer) and went to mass as a “couple” and listed as “dads” of the boys. They were a part of some organization that strives to shove the homosexual agenda down our throats and accept their way of life as equivalent to normal couples. Unfortunately the school and I think the very bishop being discussed on this thread went along with them.

They are not bringing their kids because they think that a CATHOLIC school will change them or their kids. They hope to change the church.
Lisa N
Lisa N:
They are not bringing their kids because they think that a CATHOLIC school will change them or their kids. They hope to change the church.
Lisa N
I agree.

If the hierarchy in our Church refuse to set higher standards for our children in Catholic schools then it is up to parents (mothers & fathers) to insist on higher standards that eliminate the possibility of homosexuals fluanting their sin. Parents need to take back the Catholic schools.
It sounds like the specific gay parents in Orange County, CA are trying to leverage Christ’s mercy to destroy the authority of Christ’s Church.

A lot of people are saying, “but what about the two children?”.

I think if the gay parents are open to the school possibly teaching their two children that a gay lifestyle is an abomination, then allowing the children to attend may be a decision the school or parish can make, but obviously the parents are expecting the school to keep quiet about the truth to be politically correct. This is the problem. The Church cannot change to accomodate two gay parents, nor two heterosexuals cohabitating, etc.

It is high time for ALL Catholic schools to raise standards of admittance.
It is also high time for ALL Catholic schools to teach the entirety of Church doctrines.
It is high time for a parents to sign a commitment and agreement to adhere to Church teachings if they want their children in a Catholic school.
:amen: I totally agree with you
In August of last year Bishop Robert F. Vasa of Portland, Oregon issued a two page “affirmation of faith” telling lay ministers and cantors that, if they want to continue in their roles, they must accept the Church’s teachings opposing abortion, contraception, gay relationships, extramarital relationships, premarital relationships, masturbation, fornication, viewing pornography and other issues. Before lay ministers and cantors in the Portland Diocese are certified, they are required to read the document. People already holding the positions, and candidates for positions, are expected to withdraw from current positions if they disagree.

Parents who want to send their children to Catholic schools must sign an affirmation similar to the one in the Diocese of Portland. If they disagree and will not sign it then they simply don’t get to sent their children to the Catholic school.
Looks like RSM is happy with Mahony too.


From Los Angeles Lay Catholic Mission


July/August 2005


****No Rainbows ****

The truth came out a few day later. On May 7, the local Rainbow Sash had contacted the Archdiocese of Los Angeles to inform them of the upcoming event. Response was swift. “Please know that members of Rainbow Sash Movement will be warmly welcomed to the Cathedral of Our Lady of the Angels this coming Sunday,” Tod Tamberg, the archdiocese’s spokesman, wrote to the Rainbow Sash representative. "Cardinal Mahony has been attacked repeatedly over the years by some members of the church who have taken issue with his consistent support for Gay and Lesbian Ministries throughout the Los Angeles Archdiocese. Nevertheless, because of his support and the dedicated work of people throughout the Archdiocese of Los Angeles, many gays and lesbians attend and participate fully in the life of their local parishes. Surely, there is still much work and education to be done, but we celebrate what has been accomplished to this point.

"Also, your letter mentions the controversy over who should receive Communion, as well as the discussion over the future of the NRB [National Review Board] and the audit process. If you have not already seen them, I would be happy to provide you with a variety of recent press reports regarding Cardinal Mahony’s stance on these issues. I think you would be somewhat pleased with his positions on both of these issues. If you like, I can email or fax you the news stories.

**“In any event, please allow me to say again that members of the Rainbow Sash Movement will be welcome at all of our Cathedral Masses on Pentecost Sunday.” **

The Sashers responded with a press release lauding the “warm welcome” they received on Sunday at Mahony’s cathedral. Seeing no further need to protest in a region where their goals are already largely met, the protesters removed their sashes. The press release said, "because of this warm welcome members decided not to wear their Rainbow Sashes." The archdiocese is indeed a *warm *place, as the Germans would say. But it appears to function in a place separate from that occupied by the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops and the Holy See. It will be heartwarming to some, at least, that the accession of Benedict XVI, at the moment, does not augur change in the realm of Roger Cardinal Mahony.

Click hereto read article
What’s stunning to me is the acceptance of this “movement” as though they are legitmate. The Rainbow Sash Movement? Fighting for their rights? Can someone define rights to these people, and isn’t it sad that the sign of the rainbow, which God gave to Moses as a covenant has now been hijacked by those who practice actions which caused the destruction of Sodom and Gommorah. That some even look upon this group as a advocacy group reveals a lot. This movement has been allowed to use semantic engineering and employ such words as “discrimination” and “tolerance,” “rights” and “equality” to legitimize actions that are gravely disordered. What needs to happen is for the bishops not to engage this group at the level of an aggrieved minority rightfully pursuing the rights entitled to them by natual law. Instead the bishops need to approach these people individually as sinners in need of understanding the mercy of God for those who repent of their sins. Engaging them as an persecuted minority coats their cause within a veneer of legitimacy and such is not the case. Once again, let’s pray for the bishops to approach these men correctly, so that through their leadership and holiness, the bishops can bring these men (and women) back into the body of Christ.
It is high time for ALL Catholic schools to raise standards of admittance.
It is also high time for ALL Catholic schools to teach the entirety of Church doctrines.
It is high time for a parents to sign a commitment and agreement to adhere to Church teachings if they want their children in a Catholic school.
Raise standards of admittance? Please tell me you’re not into the “only saints allowed” mentality.

If they want their children to go to a Catholic school? Supposedly, the Church wants all her children to go to a Catholic school, not to reward or endorse faulty views of parents, but to prepare her future. If we deny children entrance because their parents aren’t “Catholic” enough then we are contradicting ourselves.

The issue is not how the Church can sever children with faulty parents, but how the Church can find a way for every child to grow in the faith. I fail to see how kicking them out of school because their parents are homosexual is going to do anybody any good.

That said, sure their agenda may not be to change their kids, but to change the Church. That is not a problem if we believe what we profess. Church beliefs are not determined by the political process, except to the degree that the pope is elected. If the Church changes to accomodate sinful teachings, then it is because she let it, not because of some political pressure. She has stood up against much worse than that, and will stand up to this. Let’s get some increased faith!

This movement has been allowed to use semantic engineering and employ such words as “discrimination” and “tolerance,” “rights” and “equality” to legitimize actions that are gravely disordered.
You are exactly right. Keep in mind, though, that Catholics do the same thing when they condemn each other in their hearts under the code word “accountability.”

If you really think about it, the whole point of the living Good News is to remove the automatic accountability that comes with sin.

Condemning each other, judging each other, and kicking each other and/or their children out of the sand box, are all gravely disordered actions which Christ adamantly taught against and which are all legitimized with the “accountability” code word as I mentioned, and yet another much more sinister and subtle code word, “unity.”

If we propose unity by kicking people out, then we are performing religious cleansing which we vilify when people from religions where there are lots of brown people do it. Sometimes we even go to war against people who would bring about religious unity by killing those who don’t believe as they do.

Let’s take a look in the mirror and see if we might be able to understand the truth of Christ’s teaching that by the measure we judge others, so shall we be judged.

If we are against ethnic or religious cleansing, then let’s make sure we don’t participate. If we think it’s OK to cast aside children because they have sinful parents, then we really shouldn’t be at war at all, but should be like the mother of a 9/11 bomber who praised Allah that her son was able to do so much for his faith. Are we jealous that we are not as effective at them at eliminating dissent – or do we realize that our solution,like theirs, is more evil than the problem? How many would rejoice if the Twin Towers had been populated by nothing but cafeteria Catholics? I bet Terry Shaivo was not fully assenting, but we gave her a pass and think it’s wrong to deny her nutrition. In complete disregard for Jesus’ example, his teachings about His Body, and his words, “father forgive them for they know not what they do” we wish those who are not as mentally fit regarding Catholic dogma as we are to cut themselves off from the Bread of Life.

I know I’m making extreme comparisons, but that is because I’m assuming (perhaps wrongly) that orthodox Catholics are concerned with absolute principles. If you say it’s OK to wish for children with disobedient parents and/or possible wrong ideas about the Truth to be thrown out of our family, then you either have to embrace the spiritual consistency of Al-Quaida, or admit you are the biggest relativistic cafeteria Catholic of them all. Which is it? I can’t wait for somebody to tell me that my comparisons, though admittedly provocative, are invalid. They are provocative because it seems they have to be to pound against the ever-present barrier between the spiritual mind and the carnal mind.

Raise standards of admittance? Please tell me you’re not into the “only saints allowed” mentality.

“Catholic” enough then we are contradicting ourselves.
Raising standards of admittance isn’t about ‘being saints’ and/or ‘being Catholic enough’ to meet requirements.

Higher standards of admittance can help insure that the parents of Catholic school children uphold the teachings of the Church inside and outside of school. This is about publicly and privately upholding the teachings of the Church. Parents remain the backbone for the education of their children. Catholic schools are a mere extension of the most important task which is actually happening in the home. If it isn’t ‘right’ in the home then why drag the ‘wrong’ into the Catholic school?
Hi guys!

I voted “other” because, as with many things, context is important.
Raising standards of admittance isn’t about ‘being saints’ and/or ‘being Catholic enough’ to meet requirements.

Higher standards of admittance can help insure that the parents of Catholic school children uphold the teachings of the Church inside and outside of school. This is about publicly and privately upholding the teachings of the Church. Parents remain the backbone for the education of their children. Catholic schools are a mere extension of the most important task which is actually happening in the home. If it isn’t ‘right’ in the home then why drag the ‘wrong’ into the Catholic school?
We drag the “wrong” into the Catholic school so we can make it right. Somebody’s gotta do it, and the parents aren’t. Who will it be? :confused: Not us, I gather. 😦

That is unless we think we are going to fix the parents by keeping their kids quarantined from our pristine hallways so they don’t track in mud they got on their feet at home. Wait a minute – is it because we think we need protection from children who are “carriers of evil” or because we are using the children as leverage to force the parents into Doing The Right Thing? Or is it we’d rather have them outside the school so we can vilify their parents without having to look them in the eye?

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