Rainbow Sashers Prepare for Pentecost

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Agreed! I even sent them an email and reviled them top to bottom which I think they richly deserve.
Just don’t forget to send the Holy Father an encouraging note, also. It’s easy to forget that he’s just as human as the rest of us and will be helped by notes of love from his flock.


We continue to call for open dialogue. It is our hope moving forward that you will open your hearts and minds to our faithfulness, and speak with us. We hope this dialogue process can begin prior to your November meeting in Washington DC. The best way to love your neighbor is to get to know them.

  • What dialogue are they speaking about? What is there to dialogue about? May I dialogue about having an affair on my wife?
fix said:

What dialogue are they speaking about? What is there to dialogue about? May I dialogue about having an affair on my wife?

I think you are confused by the typo. Faithfulness should have been faithlessness.
A chaste homosexual has no need to identify their condition to anyone. If they do it’s an agenda, an “in your face” I want to to do what I want agenda, and we are to not only accept it but to embrace it as good. Promoting the “gay” lifestyle in Mass is big sin.
A chaste homosexual has no need to identify their condition to anyone. If they do it’s an agenda, an “in your face” I want to to do what I want agenda, and we are to not only accept it but to embrace it as good. Promoting the “gay” lifestyle in Mass is big sin.
I would think promoting anything in Mass would be a sin of idolatry. We aren’t there to promote but to do the opposite - give of ourselves completely so that God may be glorified.
I would think promoting anything in Mass would be a sin of idolatry. We aren’t there to promote but to do the opposite - give of ourselves completely so that God may be glorified.
Absolutely! And the fact that they are using the Mass to promote their sinful ideas just stomps all over that. That is not the venue to plead their case in.

But of course, they know it is impossible unless they make a big show (It’s impossible no matter what, but they apparently think the RCC will bend the way the Episcopal church did.). I think they are hoping with enough media exposure and “gay” pressure, the Church will give in. But they are comparing the RCC to some politicians and activist judges in a few states, who knuckled under to “gay” causes.

Aunt Martha
This is from that second article:
1986 - “A Letter to the Bishops of the Catholic Church on the Pastoral Care of Homosexuals” – in this statement he justified violence against GLBT people,
This is a blatant lie. Here is an except from that letter:
7.** ‘It is deplorable that homosexual persons have been and are the object of violent malice in speech or in action. Such treatment deserves condemnation from the church’s pastors wherever it occurs. It reveals a kind of disregard for others which endangers the most fundamental principles of a healthy society. The intrinsic dignity of each person must always be respected in word, in action and in law.**
‘But the proper reaction to crimes committed against homosexual persons should not be to claim that the homosexual condition is not disordered. When such a claim is made and when homosexual activity is consequently condoned, or when civil legislation is introduced to protect behavior to which no one has any conceivable right, neither the church nor society at large should be surprised when other distorted notions and practices gain ground, and irrational and violent reactions increase (No. 10).
I’m sure Jesus would have appreciated homosexual activists with rainbow sashes parading around at the Last Supper or on Calvary demanding He accept their sexual deviancy. :rolleyes:
I’m thinking that Christ would treat them like the moneylenders in the Temple, and that we should do th same…does anyone know where I left my bill whip? 😃
Rather than sit in the pews quietly shocked, how about using the event as an opportunity to evangelize sashers (sashayers?) and the inadequately catechized alike?

Pamphlets before and after Mass?

Or how about a message t-shirt to wear to Mass? Something with a big smiling face of Pope Benedict and one of his comments about truth and charity … or homosexuality is wrong but the dignity of the individual needs to be respected … or?
I am curious to know if they realize that there is never a pot of Gold at the end of a rainbow, it is just a fantasy and a myth.

The same goes for their behavior. It is a fantasy for them to believe that they will reach eternal happiness by practicing their own supposed truths. Their behavior is a lie and will only result in their fantasy being shattered.

fix said:

**What dialogue are they speaking about? What is there to dialogue about? May I dialogue about having an affair on my wife?

This is what facinates me about the whole idea. The Rainbow Sashers and various dissidents suggest a ‘dialogue’ between the Vatican and homosexuals. Exactly WHAT will the homosexuals have to say that would change scripture, tradition and the catechism? There is no basis for their demands to be accommodated in sin. At this point they are not only displaying their sexual sins but many others.

Lisa N
Lisa N:
This is what facinates me about the whole idea. The Rainbow Sashers and various dissidents suggest a ‘dialogue’ between the Vatican and homosexuals. Exactly WHAT will the homosexuals have to say that would change scripture, tradition and the catechism? There is no basis for their demands to be accommodated in sin. At this point they are not only displaying their sexual sins but many others.

Lisa N
When will the Church say there is no reason to dialogue?
When will the Church say there is no reason to dialogue?
The dialogue will not accomplish what the Rainbow people want. They can talk and talk till they are blue in the face…or purple, or red, or yellow, all the colors of the rainbow…but they aren’t going to get what they want. The Church is not a democracy…they need to either get over it or get out of it. Sorry for being harsh, but I think we need another inquisition, non violent of course.

Last yeare there was a big stink about this and the conflict that arose at the Basilica (or was it the Cathedral?)

The Ushers of the Eucharist knelt in silent protest and those wearing the Rainbow Sash went around them and recieved Communion.

The Archbishop refused to take a stand because he did not want the Eucharist to be a political ground.

Unfortunately, he was too late…the Rainbow Sash already made Communion their political battleground.

Proof of their diabolical interest and foundation.

Anyway, personally, I am sick to death of the flung-around term, “dialogue”.

This term usually refers to writing in which one person conveses with another in a story, or a script.

Well, their script is already written and they’re completely ticked off because real Catholics, especially our Popes are not following the script they have submitted.

In their vocabulary:

“Dialogue”: We tell you what to say and you agree and cave to our will because we are actively gay and we won’t go away until we trample all you hold sacred!

“Tolerance” You agree with everything we say and you don’t get to disagree or we will sue your pants off for discrimination.

“Rainbow Sash” The weapon we use to scourge Jesus again and again because we didn’t do it right the first time. Care to join us? Then we’ll desecrate his body and blood and divinity to the best of our ability at Pentecost.

“Acceptance”: You have to accept what we thinik without question but we get to dictate to you what you are to think from here on out.

Sorry. Do I sound bitter?
Last yeare there was a big stink about this and the conflict that arose at the Basilica (or was it the Cathedral?)

The Ushers of the Eucharist knelt in silent protest and those wearing the Rainbow Sash went around them and recieved Communion.

The Archbishop refused to take a stand because he did not want the Eucharist to be a political ground.

Unfortunately, he was too late…the Rainbow Sash already made Communion their political battleground.

Proof of their diabolical interest and foundation.

Anyway, personally, I am sick to death of the flung-around term, “dialogue”.

This term usually refers to writing in which one person conveses with another in a story, or a script.

Well, their script is already written and they’re completely ticked off because real Catholics, especially our Popes are not following the script they have submitted.

In their vocabulary:

“Dialogue”: We tell you what to say and you agree and cave to our will because we are actively gay and we won’t go away until we trample all you hold sacred!

“Tolerance” You agree with everything we say and you don’t get to disagree or we will sue your pants off for discrimination.

“Rainbow Sash” The weapon we use to scourge Jesus again and again because we didn’t do it right the first time. Care to join us? Then we’ll desecrate his body and blood and divinity to the best of our ability at Pentecost.

“Acceptance”: You have to accept what we thinik without question but we get to dictate to you what you are to think from here on out.

Sorry. Do I sound bitter?
No you are dead on accurate. Coming from a liberal Methodist background, these are the things I wanted to flee, but at least they are not accepted by the Church. Praise God!

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