I think Pro-life teen is totally right. Perhaps the Idea is too hard for people to want to live by, but as catholics we are called to higher things. Society tells us that sex is important, but not exclusive and that when things get tough, quit. God does not say tht however. If my fiance cheated on me, then I would have to seriously consider giving him back his ring since we are not married yet I am under no obligation to spend the rest of my life with him and might not want to risk having him cheat on me when I am pregnant and already have 2 or 3 kids. But once we are married, that is it. If he cheated on me I would be heart broken and would need time to forgive him. But I would still love him and would do my best to pull him back into God’s grace. Now, as far as the lack of sex in marriage, I have heard from many people that at first sex happens a lot, but after the years pass it becomes less frequent. As long as you are doing other things together to express your love I think sex doesn’t have to be every day. But, in the catholic faith sex is part of marriage and if yuo refuse to have sex with your spouse without a valid reason (you’d been raped therefore sex is traumatizing, disease, illness or pain) then you are not performing your duty as a wife or husband. There is nothing sinful about saying “HOney, I’m not in the mood.” but to refuse because you just don’t want to is being selfish and withholding yourself from your spouse to whom you are supposed to surrender your entire self to.