For the moment, and Bible Reader is at least going in the right direction except that he has not examined Matthew in light of the prophecies of Daniel and the events surrounding the Maccabean Wars, let us just concentrate on what is written in the Scripture for the moment and then we will see if it is relevant to move into what unknown dispensationalist preachers have to say on the subject.
One has to be cautious about using foreshadowings and prophecies in the Old Testament to
regulate the meaning of the gospel words describing the actual events in the gospels, or the meaning of Christ’s New Testament interp of the Old Testament words of the foreshadowings and prophecies.
Old Testament foreshadowings and prophecies are best described as predictions made “through a looking glass, darkly.” By-and-large, the New Testament reality regulates the meaning of the Old Testament foreshadowing, not *vice versa. *There are exceptions, but not many.
For example, when God says, in Genesis 3, that, "He will strike at your head, while you strike at his heel
," what does that mean? What is that foreshadowing, as “through a looking glass, darkly”?
Simple: All 4 gospels tell us that the cross of Christ pierced the dust of “Skull Place” – “
He will strike at your head” – while Jesus hung nailed through the feet – “
while you strike at his heel.”
Note how the gospels clarify Genesis, not vice versa.
I agree that the types and shadows in the old testament define in part what is fully revealed in Christ. I like the physical analogy of Golgatha and the nail in christ’s feet too.I feel though that as long as it’s kept in mind that an OT type is a definition in part and must fit other types like a puzzle to make whole, I see no reason to fear it. Also, the symbology of the serpent striking a heel was reshaped by pagan memory into a serpent that swallows it’s tail.
By and large, the words of Daniel and the events of the Maccabean revolt should be considered in light of Jesus’ words in Matthew, not vice versa.
Bible reader, with all due respect I think the word ‘regulate’ gives a vague definition of the relationship between OT types and shadows of the new testament.
The picture in part and the whole picture better defines that spiritual reality. The OT contains types and shadows of what’s revealed full in the NT but they are also echo’s of the dawn of historic man and into man in his Original Innocense.
The Holy Spirit also reveals the forgotten past and those events come to light the nearer the end events become.