RE: The Pope was Jewish says historian

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08 November 2005
Published: 14 April 2005
The Pope was Jewish says historian
LINEAGE: Pope John Paul

A MANCHESTER historian has claimed that Pope John Paul II was Jewish.

Yaakov Wise says his study into the the maternal ancestry of Karol Josez Wojtyla (John Paul II’s real name) has revealed startling conclusions.

Mr Wise, a researcher in orthodox Jewish history and philosophy, said the late Pope’s mother, grandmother and great-grandmother were all probably Jewish and came from a small town not far from Krakow.
Okay. That’s nice, if true and still all right if not true. Not meaning to be flip, but so? What difference does his ancestry make? Peter was Jewish, too and he was a pope. 😉
Okay. That’s nice, if true and still all right if not true. Not meaning to be flip, but so? What difference does his ancestry make? Peter was Jewish, too and he was a pope. 😉
Jesus is Jewish and he is the son of God!

Last time I checked, Jews were members of a religion, not a race. The Pope may have had Jewish ancestry, but don’t a lot of us?

Okay. That’s nice, if true and still all right if not true. Not meaning to be flip, but so? What difference does his ancestry make? Peter was Jewish, too and he was a pope. 😉
Yeah great point , now we have two popes with jewish heritege that we know of for sure. now i have to ask. just how many our first popes had jewish ancestry, or indeed were jewish converts? Either way it doesn’t matter what Jthe popes forbears were. i think it doesn’t matter if you were jewish, Muslim< buddhist, pagan or even a witch doctor. once you convert you’re just as much a catholic as any cradle catholic whos ancestors have been Catholic since the church began.
There might be a very good possiblity that this is true. Poland had quite a few Jews before WW2, I think 10th of the population or more. I think quite a few Poles have Jewish blood.

Very interesting.

Here’s some info I found…

The Virtual Jewish History Tour

Poland was home to the largest Jewish population in Europe and served as the center for Jewish culture. A diverse population of Jews from all over Europe sought refuge in Poland, contributing to a wide variety of religious and cultural groups. Before the outbreak of World War II, more than 3.3 million Jews lived in Poland, the second largest Jewish community in the world; barely 11 percent (369,000) survived the war population.
Karin said:
**Nope the Jews say they are a religion & race **

Not just what the Jews say. Objectively, they are part of the Semitic race, along with the Arabs.
There might be a very good possiblity that this is true. Poland had quite a few Jews before WW2, I think 10th of the population or more. I think quite a few Poles have Jewish blood.
Catholic Poles were at once very Catholic and pretty anti-semitic historically, and wouldn’t have entered into many legitimate unions with Jews. They didn’t intermingle. To be sure, there was some bastardy, but I doubt that it was demographically significant. One can look at old photographs of Polish Christians and of Polish Jews and they are distinctively different. The differences between Slavs and Semites are quite noticeable.
Arba Sicula:
Catholic Poles were at once very Catholic and pretty anti-semitic historically, and wouldn’t have entered into many legitimate unions with Jews. They didn’t intermingle. To be sure, there was some bastardy, but I doubt that it was demographically significant. One can look at old photographs of Polish Christians and of Polish Jews and they are distinctively different. The differences between Slavs and Semites are quite noticeable.
I beg to differ. Eastern European Jews have varying degrees of Slavic and Northern European traits. Many have blue eyes. Yes, some look more Semitic than others, that’s true.

Also, Poland was historically more tolerant of Jews, which is why so many flocked there. Of course there was intermingling, esp when a coveted woman converted. It’s totally naive to assume otherwise. It’s human nature.
My parents were ethnic Jews, btw. I am not because I was adopted, and my ethnic heritage is mostly English. But my Mother was half Russian Jew and half Hungarian Jew. Her father had very blue eyes and fair skin. Her sister had blond children. My Father was half Austrian Jew, one quarter Polish Jew, and one quarter Russian Jew. He has blue eyes, is tall, and extremely fair skin. His sister had red hair, he had blond hair.

My stepfather was 100% Russian Jew. Yes, they were very short and had some semitic features, but also wide Slavic brows, blue eyes and very fair skin. Also, I’ve know a great deal of Jews from my childhood and most of them appear to have some Semitic features, but also many Northern European ones. Therefore, it’s obvious to me that European Jews are not a purely Semitic people.
Jesus is Jewish and he is the son of God!

Last time I checked, Jews were members of a religion, not a race. The Pope may have had Jewish ancestry, but don’t a lot of us?

Nohome the Jewish people are a family race and a religion. Twelve tribes of Isreal. Abraham father of the race. Jacob’s named changed to Isreal. So the are a race and a religion. However has science has progressed they have discovered that we are all the same race with the same parents. This has been proven by DNA. All of us human share the same DNA.
Karin said:
**Nope the Jews say they are a religion & race **

I don’t agree with this because you can BECOME jewish. How can one change their racial make-up? I’m white. I am always going to be white unless I get burned so if i convert then are people just going to start refering to me as jewish instead of white???
I don’t agree with this because you can BECOME jewish. How can one change their racial make-up? I’m white. I am always going to be white unless I get burned so if i convert then are people just going to start refering to me as jewish instead of white???
Jew·ish j ish ]

adjective Definitions: 1. **of Judaism: **relating to or practicing Judaism
  1. **of Jews: **relating to or belonging to a people descended from the ancient Hebrews
Also, Poland was historically more tolerant of Jews, which is why so many flocked there.
Back when Poland was its own country, sure. But after the Partitions, the very anti-semitic Russians encouraged anti-semitism in Poland.
Of course there was intermingling, esp when a coveted woman converted. It’s totally naive to assume otherwise. It’s human nature.
I’m sure that very little went on. But, you are right in that some must have occurred.
Startling discovery happens so soon right after his death while still in the limelight? Seems like fishy circumstances and I smell a motive to sell books. I don’t see why JPII wouldn’t have used that fact in his efforts at ecumenism, for which he was famous.

If it turns out to be true, what changes? Nothing. Why the hubub?
Jews do not claim to be a race, and they are not a race. Furthermore, Semites are not a separate race. There are white Jews and black Jews. There are Jews from India who look Indian; Jews from Africa who are black; and Jews from Eastern Europe. These, Ashkenazi Jews, can look very Mediterranean, or have very fair skin, blue eyes, etc. Anybody who wants to can convert to Judaism.

Jews do claim to be a people. I think they mean this more like a tribe or a family.
If the Pope’s distant relatives were Jewish, then all the more reason to cherish our closest cousins!

On a side note, some Jews do indeed consider themselves a race. Others a nation. Its a question of ontological perspectives.
BTW, did I mention that I’ve been to Poland twice? I have seen the Polish people close up, as my husband was of Polish heritage, and one can see many different traits in their faces, including those of Tartars and Jews. Yes, I’m sure that the Jewish people contributed to the ethnic makeup of the Polish nation today.

However, this story about Pope JP2 might very well be merely a publicity stunt. But, I wouldn’t be surprised if he had some Jewish blood, it’s very plausible.

BTW, the animosity bettween the Poles and the Jews went both ways. Generally, I can say from what I heard growing up, many Jews are distainful of the Polish people. My mother for some reason held them more responsible for the Holocaust than the Germans. I can’t figure that out since Poland was utterly subjegated under the Nazis and there was a death sentence for anyone who hid a Jew, which wasn’t the case in Western Europe.
Karin said:
**Nope the Jews say they are a religion & race **

Hmmm. Not the Jews in my family.

There are ethnic jews, just like there are Irish and Italian Catholics that have similar looks, but they are not a race. Next time you apply for a job, try and find the “Jewish” box on the EEO form, there isn’t one.

Christians and Jews have a common heritage, and as Pius XI said “We are all spiritual Semites.”

I can’t imagine why the Holy Father never mentioned it, if it is true. Surely it would have been a significant factor in Jewish and Catholic dialogue?
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