Actually the references to thirst, the heart melting like wax, and the stripping of clothing was Roman Crucifixion. And the quotes, and the gambling - which again you could assume where added in - but then you have to ask yourself why? Why embrace a religion that demands such sacrafice unless it is the truth?Well, the only thing that marks it out as a crucifixion rather than any other type of abandonment is the reference to “they have pierced my hands and my feet”.
It is an outside piece of information. It is extraneous to the events as recorded in the Bible. It requires the Romans being located at their headquarters in the headwaters of the Jordan, near the land of Bashan, and their recruitment of the same for such tasks.Given also that crucifixion had been around for at least 600 years before Jesus was born, this is not particularly compelling evidence. Also there is no proof that the Psalm related to the crucifixion of Jesus as opposed to anybody else. Nor is there any proof that it was a prediction at all.
Yes, depending on the level of precision (it would have to be far more than Psalm 22, which states neither victim, place nor date); and also depending on whether that someone also make a further 299 predictions, none of which comes true. You can’t ignore coincidence.
I’ll have to take your word for it that this is a ‘well known fact’ - I can’t find any evidence of it other than on pro-religious websites, so this is a bit self-serving. But even if it were true, it’s hardly compelling.
No - it wasn’t known until people where healed of blindness in the 20th century!Sorry, are you saying that this condition did not exist in biblical times?
Jesus really healed someone born blind, with his touch, and the Gospels reported it accurately because the Gospels are accurate.Or simply that to the outsider, it was indistinguishable from blindness? How is that relevant?
Why would people lie about getting crucified? Why would people make up stories if their lot was to be destroyed in this world for a better one? Why would people insist on telling the truth, then lie, then suffer poverty, starvation, crucifixion?
Its an example of the fact that scientific people are swayed by evidence directly related to their scientific knowledge, experience and assessment of facts.The existence of people who are both scientists and christians is not scientific evidence of God’s existence!!
By whom?None of the examples you’ve quoted here could possibly be labelled as ‘scientific evidence.’
Go to Glastonbury on Old Christmas, and hear the blooms pop at midnight with your own ears if you want something repeatable. Study!
Pray to the Creator of Heaven and Earth, the Sea and all that is in them - and ask forgiveness for sins known and unknown, and ask for light.One could possible ‘realise’ this in the context of the bible, which has no provenance in respect of factual occurrences.
To whom? Who do I pray to if I don’t believe? Why would I pray to God and not the Tooth Fairy?What do we need to repent about? What have we done wrong?
If you aren’t willing to see your own shortcomings with regard to your neighbor, yourself, your ecology, your God, you not ready for Christianity - or science.