The resurrection was a singular
event in another part of the world, thousands of years ago. What evidence is there for a supreme deity that exists in the modern world?
The life of Christ is many events. Do you believe in the existence of the Roman Empire because there are Roman ruins? Or because of the History provided that the ruins verify?
There were many who didn’t believe. More to it, this new Jewish cult found it’s most fertile ground in distant regions, far removed from the traditional Jewish homeland.
Where did you come up with that one? Where is Jerusalem?
This is the problem with a religion based on a singular event. In order to fair to all, He would have to be continuously crucified and resurrected in every generation, in all places on the planet.
You only see the crucifixion? There is more than one page in the Gospel.
If this skepticism is
understandable, as you say, then a greater proof is necessary.
Be cautious of what door you open until you know what you are releasing…
These sciences do not claim to make truth statements about the supernatural. It is not their area of study.
These sciences verify the authenticity and history recorded in the Bible.The supernatural is much harder to support than discredit, yet it has never been credibly discredited. Give your support so I may see your resources and refute them for you.
There are many intelligent, gifted people who have made it their life work to study these matters. Yet they have found the evidence lacking.
I can offer you 50 times the number of resources to research for 10 of yours with no support at all. You don’t get it. You base denial on lack of evidence rather than learn for yourself based on all the evidence to its support.
How am I supposed to learn the truth before I have the proof? In what other area of human knowledge is this the required procedure?
Now I will let you think about that question for a while and maybe you will realize what you just asked.
No, it’s not a coincidence. I came to this forum 3 years ago because I wanted to see what reasons Catholics have for believing everything in the CCC. My conclusion so far is that these people believe because they want to believe.
Good, very good. I am not going to tell you to believe because I or someone else says you should. I spent many years away because I didn’t believe and I did not just choose to accept the teachings all of a sudden. If a person is serious about wanting to learn what the truth is, they will find it.
Thank you for kind thoughts, but I have no
self-invoked limitations or unreasonable biases in this manner. I am quite open and desirous to examine any evidence for God.