The greatest threat to a black male in the US is other black males. Has been for decades.
No headlines.
No demonstrations.
No riots.
No looting.
Absolutely true, at least in our city. In the weeks of the COVID-19 shutdown, almost every day, we saw daily reports of varoius crimes, including murder, and without exception, every one of these murders was black against black.
We are a city beset with gang violence, and most of the gangs are black, Latino, and Asian. If a gang member survives their teen years, they end up in adult gangs and mobs, which are even more violent.
I cannot help but wonder if the cops who commit the crimes against citizens are in the pay of the gangs and mobs (or perhaps are being threatened by them), and are incited to stir up civil unrest and racial tension.
So IMO, the way to stop violence against black men and women, as well as against other races and nationalities, is to end the rule of the street gangs.
But I don’t think that is likely to happen. They’re too powerful, and there is an international organization behind these gangs and mobs (mainly drugs and sex trafficking worldwide). The pipelines are well-established from decades of development, and the international criminals that are at the top are not likely to concede to any effort to stop them. It’s nice to be ultra-rich and powerful, and in all likelihood, welcomed in the top levels of society, including the entertainment and sports worlds.
Since we cannot stop crime, our only other option is to raise children who will say no to opportunities. But from what I have heard in various documentaties, it’s simply not possible for an inner-city child, especially a black child, to just say no. They will not survive if they are not allied with a street gang.
God help us. St. Mary, pray for our children!