Reconciling Humani Generis with the human genetic data showing that there never were just two first parents

  • Thread starter Thread starter Allyson
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Your position is quite clear. You agree that “human genetic data showing that there never were…”

Pope Pius XII was dealing with the same kind of thinking when he wrote Humani Generis. The Church has changed nothing. But a few will spend whatever time is necessary trying to convince Catholics otherwise.
OH my. What will humans look like in 10,000 years? It is not observalble, repeatable and predictable. Evolution is historical science.
Evolution has been used to predict what our ancestors looked like, and for the forseable future it can also be predicted that we will not change much because there are just so many of us now that there are no divisions in the human population that would lead to bottle-necking.
Bombard the thread with links to what you think supports your position. Ignore anything within those links that opposes it.
Most of these papers would never get published without the customary nod to Darwin. (as well as reputation risk and potential loss of employment) It is really important to start connecting the dots. Darwin demise is accelerating.

The thread was about Adam and Eve an HG. @allyson seems to be taken by Dover and won’t consider anything newer. Simply amazing.
The thread was about Adam and Eve an HG. @allyson seems to be taken by Dover and won’t consider anything newer. Simply amazing.
The thread went off the rails when you came along. Dover did not even come up until you started insisting on ID. I do not reject the Catholic position on God as creator. What I object to is creationism in sheeps clothing.
Evolution has been used to predict what our ancestors looked like, and for the forseable future it can also be predicted that we will not change much because there are just so many of us now that there are no divisions in the human population that would lead to bottle-necking.
In the past. That is called historical science. Are you happy with the changing faces of ancient humans?

You have observable, repeatable evidence of this claim?.

We can predict one thing - the human race is degeneating at around 1-2% per generation and will continue in the future. Let’s extrapolated like evo adherents do - we can extrapolate all the way back and each past generation is more pristine until we get back to the original pair - who btw, Catholics understood to be created “good” and with preternatural gifts.
I’ve read the articles where a professor talking about ID outside of the classroom becoming a target. That is not civilized, but any tactic will be used here to convince any doubters and so-called fundamentalists who present solid Church teaching to their Catholic brothers and sisters that God’s work and His Bible have certain symbolic parts. And those parts have to do with how human beings came to be. No coincidence that human origins will become a victim of at best, misguided thinking, and at worst, people who think atheism is the direction man should go.
Bombard the thread with links to what you think supports your position.
Many of which appear to be links to his blog. IDvolution has a posted named “buffalo.”
Yeah. One and the same. You’ll never find a better example of the cherry pickers expertise on the site.
The thread was about Adam and Eve an HG.
So time frames are important. Do you agree with the people you referenced earlier who you think we should trust when they discuss pre human species dating back millions of years from which were are directly descended and the age of the earth being billions of years old?
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The thread went off the rails when you came along. Dover did not even come up until you started insisting on ID. I do not reject the Catholic position on God as creator. What I object to is creationism in sheeps clothing.
I entered at 421. It was many posts until ID entered. Another poster was trying to tip you off about my ID support.
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