Reconciling Humani Generis with the human genetic data showing that there never were just two first parents

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If the very links that you provide refute your position then it’s difficult to see how you can maintain it.
The links clearly show that man has been degenerating from his peak.
I argue his peak was at creation. As I posted before, look for the main point of the papers. They always give the old hat tip to Darwin and evolution. I have been seeing some papers come out that are doing it less and less though. The dots are connecting to show ID a better explanation.

Typical language in many of these evo authored papers are:
  1. affirm belief in evolution
  2. we were surprised to learn, we thought, I fought the conclusion as hard as I could. (you get the point)
If the very links that you provide refute your position then it’s difficult to see how you can maintain it.
The links clearly show that man has been degenerating from his peak.
The links show man’s lineage being millions of years old. The links show a planet that is billions of years old. The second one is actually promoting a version of ID.

How can you ask us to accept what these people say when you deny what they say yourself?
From the Royal Society meeting:

"Complex behaviors such as nest-building by birds, or dam construction by beavers, represent examples of niche construction in which some organisms themselves demonstrate the capacity to alter their environment in ways that may affect the adaptation of subsequent generations to the environment. Yet no advocate of niche construction at the meeting explained how the capacity for such complex behaviors arose de novo in ancestral populations, as they must have done if the naturalistic evolutionary story is true.

"Rather, these complex behaviors were taken as givens , leaving the critical question of their origins more or less untouched. While there is abundant evidence that animals can learn and transmit new behaviors to their offspring — [crows in Japan], for instance, have learned how to use automobile traffic to crack open nuts — all such evidence presupposes the prior existence of specific functional capacities enabling observation, learning, and the like. The evolutionary accounts of niche construction theory therefore collide repeatedly with a brick wall marked “ORIGINAL COMPLEX FUNCTIONAL CAPACITY REQUIRED HERE” — without, or beyond which, there would simply be nothing interesting to observe.

“Jim Shapiro’s talk, clearly one of the most interesting of the conference, highlighted this difficulty in its most fundamental form. Shapiro presented fascinating evidence showing, contra neo-Darwinism, the non -random nature of many mutational processes — processes that allow organisms to respond to various environmental challenges or stresses. The evidence he presented suggests that many organisms possess a kind of pre-programmed adaptive capacity — a capacity that Shapiro has elsewhere described as operating under “algorithmic control.” Yet, neither Shapiro, nor anyone else at the conference, attempted to explain how the information inherent in such algorithmic control or pre-programmed capacity might have originated.”
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Yet, neither Shapiro, nor anyone else at the conference, attempted to explain how the information inherent in such algorithmic control or pre-programmed capacity might have originated."
There is the rub. And why Leland wanted to go to tea. They were pressing him and he was responding that NS was exhibiting agency. They clearly did not want to hear anymore of this. GASP!
I think it is. Here is why: An effect cannot be greater than its cause.
Ludicrous! Could Usain Bolt’s parents both run faster then he can? Were Einstein’s parents better scientists than Einstein? Were Pope Francis’ parents greater popes than he is?

Please come up with better arguments than something as ludicrous as this.
Please describe the problem you encountered in similar discussions.
My interlocutor asserted that evolution could not increase the information in DNA. I showed how known evolutionary process can increase both Shannon and Kolmogorov information. They then claimed to be using a different measure of information, which evolution could not increase, but were unable to give an objective way to measure their type of information.

That is why I prefer to know what form of information we are discussing.
I use Shannon information
Information’s an interesting concept

E.G. Take the notion/meaning itself of e.g. “yes” … as being an info example to explore

YES the Concept YES - Can be transmitted in a Multitude of manners.
Grunts, Language, Thumbs Up - Smoke Signals, Head Noddings, Tom-Tom, 1’s & 0’s, Et Cetera…
And they all represent the same INFO

There are levels of information…
such as License Plates and Telephone Numbers and and poems and this sentence.

The recipe for chocolate layer cake - is static specified functional info -
Most computer programs are akin to a recipe…
They’re mostly constructed by humans - and require initiation…

The Encoded Info in DNA - is not fully understood.
The DNA contains the Assembly Code for Self-Reproducing Human Beings.
Akin to Dynamic Specified Functional Info
Once decoded … in motion… all things equal - it goes on and on…

The Origin of the Physical DNA molecule
AND the Origin of Encoded Information
are unknown.

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How can you ask us to accept what these people say when you deny what they say yourself?
I have explained it now more than once.
No you haven’t. The second link is explicitly concerned with intelligent design. It specifically denies natural selection. It’s why you posted it. But buried deep in another paper by the very same person is a comment about the requirement for water for life and a passing reference to the fact that water has been present for billions of years.

You wouldn’t have known that it was there. It actually took some searching. But therein lies your problem. You cherry pick views from different sources without any investigation of the sources themselves. You just skim, cut and paste. And when you are caught out you either ignore any post that points this out and head off to another point (maybe a tea party at the Royal Society perhaps) or claim that the comments made by the person are a sop to some sort of evolutionary cabal. Which is obviously not relevant in this case as the guy denies evolution happened as normally understood.

He’s one of your poster boys and he would think your opinion on the age of the planet to be risible.

You may find this link could come in handy:
The DNA contains the Assembling Code for Self-Reproducing Human Beings.
Not according to the Catholic Church. A Human Being also includes a soul, which is not encoded into DNA.

Also, as i am sure you are aware, DNA can also encode self-reproducing armadillos and bacteria. It is not limited to humans.
Your post is an attempt at diversion. Human genetic data is the topic. One of the biggest recent blunders in Biology is calling Junk DNA junk. An assumption was made that basically said this junk was just leftovers from man’s allegedly long development period. Not true. It doesn’t code for proteins but it has function, so the junk label has been dropped.
Not according to the Catholic Church. A Human Being also includes a soul, which is not encoded into DNA.
NOPE — You’re conflicting… B does not negate A – It’s Both

LIFE - including A human’s Body - connects with DNA … AND? His spirit with Soul…

Full Knowledge of DNA continues to evade Abiogenesis Investigation
Human genetic data is the topic.
Yes it is. There is no problem at all with all living humans being descended from a single couple: Mitochondrial Eve’s parents for example.

The problem is with a literal interpretation of Genesis, which ignores the presence of other unsouled carriers of human DNA, who carried the additional variants we see today.

Non-coding DNA is not relevant to the discussion.
Not according to the Catholic Church. A Human Being also includes a soul, which is not encoded into DNA.
NOPE — You’re conflicting… B does not negate A – It’s Both

LIFE - including A human’s Body - connects with DNA … AND? His spirit with Soul…

Full Knowledge of DNA continues to evade Abiogenesis Investigation
@rossum is correct. The Catholic Church does not hold that there is any woo-like connection between the soul and DNA. The hylomorphic union is not a claim to the soul affecting DNA or vice versa.

Most of your posts ramble in a way that is hard to make sense of for the reader.
Humani Generis does not allow for any other humans at all. First, no evidence that Neanderthals mated with modern humans followed by evidence that they did. I submit that since they had this capacity they qualify as being modern humans. As in different racial types in existence today, there are variations in skull shapes and in body types. A recent finding is Neanderthals walked upright like we do. Denisovians are moving on to the list as well.
The Catholic Church does not hold that there is any woo-like connection between the soul and DNA.
woo-like? 🤣

The Catholic Church accepts Both DNA and Soul aka Body AND Soul 🙂

What I’d said about DNA, INFO - is so right on the moolah… 😃

Shall there be anything else? 😃
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Ah, an attempt at woo-woo. Man is the integrated reality of body and soul. Our body is the Temple of the Holy Spirit [1 Corinthians 6:19]. Sacraments have actual effects.
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