Reconciling Humani Generis with the human genetic data showing that there never were just two first parents

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Not sure what you mean by that: it sounds a bit garbled.
? Pretty plain language: science presumes an intelligible universe.
But if you mean that hypotheses are often considered supported when an attempt to verify the opposite fails, then the randomness of genetic mutation fits the criteria. Attempts to find pattern and predictability having failed, the hypothesis of randomness is supported.
It appears you have bought into the evolutionist’s non-science presumption, which is: “Since we have not observed any pattern for an effect, we conclude the effect is indeterminable, that is, the effect is random.”
If I may ask again. Last time I only got a remark that it somehow the basis for streaming video over the internet.
He can explain it since he authored it. He will go through the “petals” and what the genetics show. It is worth the time. ( you could start at around 30 minutes in)
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Do you have a specific detailed criticism of the actual chart?
He never gave a good reason for his thesis that mtDNA mutation dating is unreliable. He just made the claim that it was not. Earlier in the talk he made a snide comment about Francis Collins and faint praise for William Lane Craig (because he was a long earther). The lack of objectivity is on full display.
The lack of objectivity is on full display.
Really - throw the baby out with the bathwater. Given you own continued bias you will never accept the new data until Dawkins converts. ☹️ Still won’t argue the main thesis. Nice…
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Still won’t argue the main thesis.
Hooray! There is a main thesis! And it is…?

I understand and have used phylogenetic trees, even y chromosome trees like this one.

If I am going to get something from this, I would like it to be at least similar to what you get from it. We do not have a good track record in terms reaching the same conclusions from the materials we consider.
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Still won’t argue the main thesis. Nice…
I can’t go further than I have, because I do not know his basis for thinking the data supports short earth. I just told you, he went wishy-washy in that section of the talk. If he actually published, that would probably help me have a more fully formed response.
Really - throw the baby out with the bathwater. Given you own continued bias you will never accept the new data until Dawkins converts.
What the heck does Dawkins have to do with this? That came out of nowhere… 😂 I have not thrown anything out. I just don’t have much to go on except to see that Carter’s talk started with the ad hominem and did not improve from there. I was left wondering where his critical thinker got to…
Are you now going to cancel all the science mags you now receive?
This is a non-sequitur, but, as it happens, I do not have any active magazine subscriptions of any sort. So, you just make yourself look more foolish and presumptive with every comment.
Science presumes an intelligible universe.
Is that what: “All science depends on presuming the opposite” means? No wonder I was confused. Still, thanks for the clarification. And yes it* does. I agree with that.
  • sorry, pronouns again. Yes, Science does presume an intelligible universe. Pope Benedict and I think that’s what the ‘logos’ in John 1:1 means.
Since we have not observed any pattern for an effect, we conclude the effect is indeterminable, that is, the effect is random.
Close, but not quite. Since, in spite of trying, nobody has observed any pattern to this occurrence, we cannot conclude that the hypothesis (that genetic mutation is random) is incorrect. It’s similar, but not the same.
The goal is crystal clear: Science comes first and God is totally optional.
No, you’re going off on one again. Whose goal is crystal clear? What does this mean?
Some people - not you - obviously think that if the religious types and the atheists could be on the same page that the religious types will not see the end result coming.
What end result?

On Sam Harris. I think he suffers from a similar frustration to Richard Dawkins. Both of them, I think, search for moral values amongst the pure rationality of the atheist universe, and are frankly annoyed to discover that most religions seem to have got there before them by intuition rather than logic. They try to disparage the religions by finding bizarre instructions in sacred texts or bizarre perversions in some current adherents, but their very use of these extremes of practice only emphasises the weakness of their argument, I think.
If I am going to get something from this, I would like it to be at least similar to what you get from it. We do not have a good track record in terms reaching the same conclusions from the materials we consider.
When he posted the video earlier in the thread. I watched it, and then asked him for what he thought the strengths and weaknesses were so that my thoughts on it could be more productive. I got nadda…so it is not a surprise that he has not explained what the main point is for him…
Evolutionary psychology turns man into a biological device with the only goal being reproduction. Pope John Paul II wants something that grounds the dignity of man.

Evolutionary psychology presents man as mechanism only. That’s not human. Not even close.
I doubt if Pope Pius XII knew enough about the various theories of evolution to be able to make clear the acceptable from the unacceptable. I suspect he assumed they were all atheistic. John Paul II knew enough to understand that some theories of evolution were compatible with Christianity.
You doubt - yet it makes absolutely no matter.

St. John Paul II - knew that no theory from Man of how Man came to be is compatible with Christ - which does include God…

So we should still kill witches, as God says? It is still there in the Bible. Do we stone adulterers to death?
Surely not…

Not Since Jesus the Son of God - came on the scene - do any need to follow Mosaic Law

There’s nothing any can say which places Man’s Multiplicity of Opinions about anything - above God.
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