Reconciling Humani Generis with the human genetic data showing that there never were just two first parents

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Evolutionary psychology presents man as mechanism only.
Yes, evolution examines the mechanism by which physical bodies “run.”

Theology or metaphysics examines the human soul, which is different from the body and is, as you noted, the basis for human dignity.

Theology and science study a common subject (object?), the human person. You cannot say one excludes the other. Any claims that science does not need God are false because humans are more than their bodies alone. Any claims that theology does not need science is false because humans are more than just souls.
Successful reproduction is the only purpose for living.
This is the mechanism for evolution. That does not address the whole of the person, as most people recognize. It does address part of our purpose for living, as God commanded us to be fruitful and do long division. It is part of who we are and should not be minimized.
What God says still supercedes what Man says
And what Christians believe is that God and man should live together in harmony. That God and Man have united in the person of Jesus. It is not a matter of superceding, but of a united voice.
Evolutionary psychology turns man into a biological device with the only goal being reproduction. Pope John Paul II wants something that grounds the dignity of man.

Evolutionary psychology presents man as mechanism only. That’s not human. Not even close.
C’mon Ed. How many times have I told you: Evolution does not deny God.
How else would he sell magazine subscriptions. lol
Are you now going to cancel all the science mags you now receive?
Still waiting, Buff. Why did you link to people whose positions you say we should accept when they hold to positions to which you don’t? Man originating from different species over millions of years and the planet being billions of years old.

C’mon man. Your credibility is at stake here. What’s your response?
As presented here, it sure does. This is science, right? Science knows nothing about God and since God or the soul cannot be studied, they don’t exist. That’s why this is so appealing to atheists. If we are just animals that reproduce like other animals then that’s life. Like bacteria, live and die after reproduction. Using evolutionary psychology, man’s mind is part of a process that may make life a bit more interesting but we’re just bacteria with extra limbs.

Not true.
As presented here, it sure does. This is science, right? Science knows nothing about God and since God or the soul cannot be studied, they don’t exist. That’s why this is so appealing to atheists. If we are just animals that reproduce like other animals then that’s life. Like bacteria, live and die after reproduction. Using evolutionary psychology, man’s mind is part of a process that may make life a bit more interesting but we’re just bacteria with extra limbs.

Not true.
Yes. It’s not true. You’re tilting at windmills. Always have. Always will, I guess. Nice to have you back, though.
Science knows nothing about God and since God or the soul cannot be studied, they don’t exist.
So-called “science” - the opinions of Man concerning knowledge of the physical realm - could never come to the essential FAITH necessary to Realize the Spiritual Realm…

That said - REASON can indeed come to see the Creator…

That said - some of Earth’s Greatest Scientists - have been Believers…
for they know the limitations of ‘science’
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Successful reproduction is the only purpose for living. Nothing more.
Harsh. Are you saying my life has no purpose because I have not reproduced?

JK, lol. We all find purpose in our existence that is not related to reproduction regardless of religious belief, or lack thereof. It is arrogant to think otherwise.
I have to agree. Humani Generis, and later, Communion and Stewardship make the Church’s position very clear. The goal appears to be to find some loophole

The latest Legion of efforts - of some say the enemy - is to undermine Jesus -

We know that’s been around for 2,000 years

And we know that “'they” shall ultimately fail.
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Why extrapolate? I’ll answer. As far as evolutionary psychology is concerned, we are programmed to reproduce. If some don’t, that’s fine as long as the majority do. Humans are just more elaborate bacteria.

And Catholics should never promote the idea that belief is optional. People can choose not to believe but it is our duty to tell them about the Gospel.
There are no atheists?

New International Version
For the director of music. According to mahalath. A maskil of David. The fool says in his heart, “There is no God.” They are corrupt, and their ways are vile; there is no one who does good.

New Living Translation
Only fools say in their hearts, “There is no God.” They are corrupt, and their actions are evil; not one of them does good!

English Standard Version
The fool says in his heart, “There is no God.” They are corrupt, doing abominable iniquity; there is none who does good.

Psalm 53:1
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As far as evolutionary psychology is concerned, we are programmed to reproduce. If some don’t, that’s fine as long as the majority do.
I think as far as everyone is concerned there is an understanding that we are programmed to reproduce. It’s one of the most powerful urges we have.

And who programmed us?

Personally speaking I think He made a mistake in not dialing it down a little. It causes more problems than you could poke a stick at. But then, it wasn’t my call.
Over the last 50 years, pornographers have been dialing up temptations. Who needed Adult Bookstores? Who allowed them in our neighborhoods? Who paid for all that? Who defended them from protests from individuals and concerned parents? Dirty, filthy immoral publications were spread like bacteria, and on purpose.

No one programmed us. Look at evolutionary psychology. It came from nowhere. 🙂

Science is the only answer - so just bow before it…
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There are no atheists?
Indeed there are. And quite a few Bhuddists and Hindus and many others who don’t believe in God as well. But none of them chose not to believe.

You can choose to accept or reject evidence (like you choose to reject evidence that the world is billions of years old for example), but you can’t choose to believe. Once the evidence is accepted then belief is automatic. Or disbelief if you reject it.

Belief is like a flywheel. If you accept some information then it will start to spin in one direction. It will spin in the ‘belief’ direction. If more information comes along that you accept then it will spin faster. And will be harder to slow down. After a while, it becomes virtually impossible to stop. The momentum is too great. There is no information to the contrary that could slow it down.

That’s the position you are in right now. You have rejected all evidence for evolution and that wheel is now spinning so fast that it’s not possible to even slow it down let alone reverse the spin. You have reached a critical point where evidence just bounces off and has no effect.

Most people have an ability to at least judge the evidence on its merits before it is accepted or rejected and allowed to affect the spin. You seem to lack that. You’ve put up a barrier.

As Voltaire said: Doubt is an uncomfortable position. But certainty is absurd.

You should allow yourself to be uncomfortable. Not in your faith. But in listening to evidence for matters that will not weaken your faith in any way.
I am not who you describe. I have found the evidence wanting. It is not convincing. I have researched many things and collected supporting information. Belief is not required. Once I have the supporting evidence, I can draw a conclusion. I do this a lot.

The evidence here is that evolution is promoted as an atheistic enterprise. The end result is that God is no longer a personal God but just a word. Once Christians agree with this pseudo-theory, atheists will make sure the word God disappears. Science excludes God by design. However, should a miracle occur, the Church calls on experts, including scientists, to investigate it.

How did Pope John Paul II become a saint? Miracles happened:
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The evidence here is that evolution is promoted as an atheistic enterprise.
No it isn’t. As far as I know I’m the only atheist taking part in the discussion (with apologises to rossum wo has different beliefs) and even I am not pushing it as an atheist view. In fact I will gladly accept any position that includes God in the process.

How many times have I asked you to produce ONE comment from ANYONE on this forum who is promoting evolution as an atheistic enterprise? If I have done it once I have done it a dozen times. And your repsonse? Nada. Zip. Zilch. Nothing. Rien.You’ve completely ignored it. And you have done so because there hasn’t been one single comment on any thread at any time by anyone who has pushed that barrow. . . .
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Show me where science includes God. Any peer reviewed paper will do.
Another windmill! Science doesn’t concern itself with God. That’s a matter for theology. But that fact doesn’t mean it DENIES God. . . .
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