Reconciling Humani Generis with the human genetic data showing that there never were just two first parents

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t is also the problem with your position. It may be true that organized information can only come from an intelligent source , but we do not know if it is factual.
Since science is provisional it is not ruled out. Since science is provisional the demise of evolution is not ruled out. We don’t know if macro-evolution is factual.
The former affirms ignorance on the issue while the latter claims a state of nature with no evidence in support.
Again. not quite. But I do agree that the latter is unscientific. That’s why I said that scientists would prefer the former.
as no one has done
Several people have done, but are told that their definitions of 'organised information" and/or “intelligent source” do not fit your criteria. I think you’ll have to be much more precise in what you mean for there to be a fair chance for it to be refuted.
We don’t know if macro-evolution is factual.
We do. It has been observed, as I have shown you many times before. Why do you continue to put out incorrect information?

Macro-evolution has been observed. The first observed example I am aware of dated from 1905. You are over 100 years behind the times, buffalo.
The genetic data are the facts from which estimates have been extrapolated.

Humani Generis Remains Standing.

It appears that no one has bought into your argument -
  • Which has been going on for how long now? 😃
And now we have more updated info since encode. Science does not rule out Adam and Eve because of the diversity issue.
Did someone post data in the last month? I am working from discussions of the most recent data. Yes, there is always new information, but if you have that new information, please post a link to the scientific study.

I am not denying that there was and Adam and an Eve.
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Macro-evolution has been observed. The first observed example I am aware of dated from 1905. You are over 100 years behind the times, buffalo.
Here we go again. Micro is observed. Speciation is lineage splitting with loss of function once had. The arrow is devolution and breaking and blunting genes, not creating new and novel features. Even if there is one example of a temporary benefit conferred the organism loses over time.

In a thousand years we see the bones of this creature we might call this a tranistional.

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Here we go again. Micro is observed. Speciation is lineage splitting with loss of function once had. The arrow is devolution and breaking and blunting genes, not creating new and novel features.
Exactly… It’s micro-devolution . the loss in Genomic Info…
No one has written anything convincing against a literal Adam and Eve.

It’s sort of like sad comic relief - viewing the futile efforts of those trying to make Adam and Eve - and Original Sin - and the need for the Redeemer - Jesus, Son of God.
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