In case your not familiar with our blog, I thought I’d copy in the info. from our ‘about’ page.
n starting this blog, it was our hope that we could connect more with people who are already friends of the community as well as with others who may be interested in Religious Life. The inspiration for the title of our blog comes from a couple of passages in our Rule and Constitutions (quoted below).
“Fiat” is the Latin word for “Let it be,” which is often used to refer to Mary’s response, her “yes” to the Angel Gabriel at the Annunciation. We, as Franciscan Sisters of Dillingen, are called to echo this loving, obedient “yes” every day of our lives. This is alluded to in the passages quoted below:
“Let the brothers and sisters keep the example of the Blessed Virgin Mary, the Mother of God and of our Lord Jesus Christ, ever before their eyes…according to the exhortation of St. Francis who held Holy Mary, Lady and Queen, in highest veneration since she is the virgin made church. Let them also remember that the immaculate Virgin Mary, whose example they are to follow, called herself the handmaid of the Lord.” (#17, Rule of the Third Order Regular of St. Francis)
“Mary, who shared in the work of Redemption through her “Yes” to the Father can help us to speak anew and to live each day our “Yes” to our vocation.” (Dillingen Franciscan Constitutions: 2.17)
Here, I hope to share with you some of what it means, on a day to day basis, to be a Franciscan Sister of Dillingen in our Hankinson Province.
I would also welcome your feedback or even questions.
Have a wonderful day, and to quote our Franciscan Rule again, may “the Lord give you peace!”
Sr. Christina Marie Neumann, OSF (