Reflections from a Franciscan Sister

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Well…I’ve been around here for a while (some time after starting a blog for my community in Feb. 2015)

I’ve been sharing posts and joining in a few discussions.

I thought it might be helpful for me to ask you all for a little feedback from any of you who might have read what I’ve shared.

Do you have any suggestions or comments for me? Ideas of what is most/least interesting, etc., etc.,?

Thanks! 🙂

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A Powerful Lesson…A Call to Greater*Love
These past few weeks have been a time of real grace for me.

I’ve been working one-on-one with one of our residents for sacramental preparation.

I didn’t want him to get ‘scared off’ by over-complicating things or requiring too much of him; nonetheless, I wanted to teach him what he needed to know in order to be open to receive all the graces waiting for him.

I also was conscious of trying to be kind to him and show him the authenticity of what I was teaching by the way I acted.

This second aspect has overflowed, in a powerful way, on my interactions with others.

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One morning, I noticed that the closure button on my left blouse sleeve was missing. Not wanting to return home to change, I borrowed a safety pin from the reception desk to close it. Yesterday afternoon, I thought I had better buckle down and sew a new button on. On taking out my sewing kit, I noticed another thing I hadn’t gotten around to, that needed attending: a collection of stockings to repair. [Read more]

This morning at Bible Study (which I hold each Tuesday for our residents), I again found myself to be the recipient of a lesson along with the others who gathered.

Our discussion, based on the readings from last Sunday, served to reminder and inspiration for my own spiritual journey.

In reflecting on the psalms we read (117-18), one resident simply yet poignantly pointed out that it was all about thanksgiving. We expounded on this and pointed out our dependence upon God for everything.

I chose to follow up on this point of thanksgiving (Read more…)
img_0896This morning, I came into chapel before Mass,

grabbed the bell I use from its place in the back cabinet, and took a seat in one of the pews.

Rather than put it on the ledge of the pew in front of me, as I usually do, for some reason today, I set it on the pew cushion itself.

A little while later, I had to get up to take care of some last minute detail in the sacristy.
I came back to the body of the chapel and took a seat. Mass was starting, but where was my bell? I must have left it in my original seat, but which was that?

Since I left, the seats had filled in a bit. I scanned the pews, to no avail. I could not find the bell. We have other bells, but they are way up in the bottom cabinet in the sacristy. I was not about to make a scene and go up to get another.

I just let it go…I figured there would be no bell-ringing today during the Eucharistic prayer to serve as a wake up call and sign of reverence. Oh, well…what could I do?

I was also the reader at this Mass, since this is “my week for liturgy,” as we say. (We take turns leading Office, picking hymns and reading for Mass.) When I returned from leading the petitions, I ended up in yet another pew. What a ding-a-ling I was!

I had, by this time, given up on the possibility of having a bell at this Mass. I took part in the preface dialog and sang along with the “Holy, Holy.” When it came time for the Consecration, boy was I in for a surprise!

A bell was rung by the gentleman sitting in front of me. THERE was my bell!

That must have been my original seat. I was humored, but thankful that he he had taken the initiative to enhance our celebration of Mass by ringing it, since this ding-a-ling (me) had lost it.
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