Only atheists, and their brother “religio-political” systems adherents, want their RELIGION to be enacted as “civil law”.Quote:
Originally Posted by Veritas248 View Post
Relativism is the single most important issue in our world today.
Rejection of the moral law leads to the acceptance of ANYTHING.
Peter Kreeft’s refutation helped me get a relativist to see the error of his ways just last week. I think it is quite powerful.
rejection by who? the state? perfectly aligning civil law with Catholic morality would be a total disaster for both the state and the church. write a law banning all forms of homosexual behavior. now try to enforce it. you would have an outrageous invasion of personal rights by the police where the cure would be much worse than the disease.
Catholics know that it is never wise to mix the Church with temporal government. Temporal government is an institution which necessarily uses coercion, while the Church is utterly forbidden to use coercion to promote “conversion” (which in “governmental terms” equals “law enforcement”).
No. Relativism is the religion of constant human conflict.what you condemn as moral relativism is, in many cases, compromise inherent in any state that doesn’t invest the church with plenary authority over everything.
While temporal government NEEDS to allow human conflict to work itself out in as “harmless” a way as possible, for individual people to allow NO standard of that right action is to exist is to allow “fallen human nature” to reign unopposed by “divine revelation”.
Even atheists have standards of behavior, which are their “divine revelation”. But without a “real anchor” in actual (God given) divine revelation, the “center of gravity” of their “personal revelations” will meander around and drift toward establishing actual evils as “moral and ethical”.
Such as abortion, which is now considered a “moral and ethical” practice.
The final arbiter of what a sin is is the Church. That is where to go for a “ruling”.even a casual reading of threads on this forum (“is it a sin to …”) wherein every aspect of human activity becomes a candidate for criminalization I mean condemnation shows what would happen if some degree of “moral relativism” were not necessary.
The Church doesn’t “criminalize” anything, because it’s not in the punishing (enforcement) business.
Get this through your head: The Church is not interested in temporal governance of societies. It is only interested in having individuals possessing a real basis for deciding which behaviors are good and which are evil.
Atheists (relativists) are the religious folks interested in enslaving societies by applying their religious morals on temporal society via governance by criminalization.
It IS wise to have governance by criminalization (enforceable law), but deciding what is criminal by untrue religious conviction is “bad governance”.