This is a trend that is prevalent on this forum: people pejoratively apply the label ‘relativist’ to people that aren’t really relativists at all, they’re just people that you disagree with. I’ve met very few relativists in my life. I’d be hard-pressed to think of more than one atheist I know is a relativist. Most simply think differently than you.
I at first, Sir, bore this message with a certain degree of grim detest, but, coming to the end, I say that I do in fact agree with you!
For as has been stated with the examples of rape and robbery, there are very few who would respect another persons interpretation of morality when it conflicted with their own, especially when it worked to their own detriment.
“rejection by who? the state? perfectly aligning civil law with Catholic morality would be a total disaster for both the state and the church. write a law banning all forms of homosexual behavior. now try to enforce it. you would have an outrageous invasion of personal rights by the police where the cure would be much worse than the disease.”
I argue first, that Catholic morality and teachings are in my view and experience, perfect to the most insignificant article, and further, say, for arguments sake, that the cure is never worse than the disease. If it were, it would not be considered a cure. Now, we can amputate that gangreenous leg of yours, of leave it on and you die. The choice is yours. (Which isn’t saying the homosexual, ah, community ought be ‘amputated’.)
“what you condemn as moral relativism is, in many cases, compromise inherent in any state that doesn’t invest the church with plenary authority over everything.”
And thus I blame moral relitivism as the sole cause of the sad state of the world today.
“even a casual reading of threads on this forum (“is it a sin to …”) wherein every aspect of human activity becomes a candidate for criminalization I mean condemnation shows what would happen if some degree of “moral relativism” were not necessary.”
“Individuals, not the state. I agree that state laws need to show relativism, because not everyone obeys the moral law in the first place. The state becomes relative only after the majority of its citizens become relative.”
I disagree, in the Laws established by a state, there must be absolutes. The Laws must be based in Absolute Truth, and absolute morality. Otherwise, crime, in any of its forms, would be entirely unrepresable (and I’m quite sure that’s not a word). Any Law not based in Aboslute Truth, nor adhearing to and absolute morality are corrupt laws, and are to be torn down and burned.
And the people are just as guilty for the crimes commited under corrupt laws (crimes then presented as ‘legal activities’) for not tearing down the wicked institutions as the evil men who participate in them.
"Something can be objective without being ultimate. All I need is a morality that works for the duration of my current lifetime. I am not interested in any different moralities that might have existed before I was born or that might exist after I am dead; those moralities are of no practical use to me. All I need is a morality that works here and now.
Surely the morality that applies for YOU, HERE and NOW, would not necessarily apply to ME or THEM over THERE. What then, is to stop THEIR morality, which is, to be generous, lacking, from leading them to do wicked acts over HERE?
Morality is eternal, and unchanging.
“All beings” means exactly that, it includes the lion himself. By starving himself to death he would injure himself. As a rule of thumb, if you have to kill something to avoid starvation then the smaller the victim the better.
If anything is relative, then it most certainly is SIZE.
We are not all completely free to act in all circumstances. We can have limited effects on the actions of our governemnts for example.
Yet again, I disagree, saying that a person at any time has complete liberty to do what they will. It’s just like you say, though, ‘There will be consequences.’
For instance, there is nothing save the Grace of God that prevents me from grabbing a knife and stabbing my sleeping family to death in their beds. But, should I do such a thing, and utilize the freedom of will and action, I would face the consequences. Eventually, I’d die and go to hell, and thanks-be-to-God, some bit of morality remains in this nation and I would, more likely than not, be tracked down by men who believe that taking life is evil.
Well, with that pleasent thought, I bid you all good evening, for it is late, my head throbs, and I’ve just asked myself, “Where am I?” Sorry if I got anything wrong…Seems to me like I ought have a disclaimer in my sig, “The views expressed in the above message are in no way affiliated with the Catholic Curch…”