- In light of the shortage of priests, a shortage that will not go away , the role of lay people in general continues to increase and thus will the role of women and girls*.
The role of women AND girls has NEVER been insignificant, small or unimportant in our Catholic Church! The thousands of women that established and sustained the Catholic Church in the United States DID NOT sit around and whine because they couldn’t be a priestess. It wasn’t the priests that perpetuated the growth of Catholicism in the US, it was the women religious!
The early Church was founded in patriarchal …role of women has emerged from that darkness. Just as we venerate Mary and other women in the Scriptures,
we can value the contribution of today’s women.
What exactly has women contributed to the Church in the past 30 years? I am sure there are some very wonderful Catholic women but that is not what we hear or read about. A Catholic woman - Nancy Keenan - has totally rejected her Catholic upbringing to head NARAL - she has been praised for her unwavering pro-abortion position … That’s what we read about.
The woman in our parish who is indeed a homilist is very well trained …
There are other women who are as highly trained as your friend that become Master Catechists and don’t need to be the “center of attention” at Mass to share their knowledge. They teach bible studies, women’s as well as coed study groups, hold retreats ----- all within the teachings of the Catholic Church. ----- Those are women we should emulate! Those are women that we should encourage our childred to know. Their committment is for their lifetime and don’t have to worry or “pray” that a new bishop will let them continue doing what is already not allowed in our Church.
We have one priest for a parish of somewhere around 2200 families. …The other two parishes are equally as vibrant and fiscally sound as our own.
Obviously fiscal and vibrant are not enough to call young men to the priesthood! Who in their right mind would dedicate their life to God when they are being taught (and shown) a watered down faith.
My point here is that change is a-comin’ whether we wish it or not. Whether it is directed by the Spirit, as I believe, or in spite of the Spirit, as some others believe, women will continue to emerge as leaders of our faith communities.
The change is not going to lead where you want it to go. What gives you the idea that women are not leaders in our faith community? Well maybe you are right. They haven’t been leaders in the last 30-40 years.
They have chickened out. I challenge all Catholic women to read Marvels of Charity, History of American Sisters and Nuns by George C. Steward Jr… These women from the late 1600’s on were incredible!!
The Holy See may not ‘desire’ women to be homilists in today’s world, but no change occurs where there is strict obedience to every rule or law.
Change that has come in the Church through disobedience has never been Doctrinal change and that is want the priest want-a-bes *NEED. *
*Thus Jesus, while a devout practicing Jew, saw fit to speak against the teachings of the Pharisees and Scribes where he **felt ***that their strict obedience to rules stood in the way of understanding God’s larger plans. Change comes slowly to a body as large as the Church, …stand in the way of God’s larger plan.
There is no where in scripture where God’s larger plan has included these “wants”! Jesus connected the Old testament and His life and future as the Messiah together. HE IS GOD! So is the Holy Spirit and these disobedient women are NOT!
My hope is that God’s plan in having the Pope assgin a conservative bishop such as Bishop Carlson to our diocese is that he will witness the strength of the Spirit amongst us and open his mind to the possibility of change in regards to the role of women and other issues.
Bishop Carlson has very high regard for women in the future of the Catholic Church. But I would bet my last buck that you and your friends will be highly disappointed!
*Then he can become a messenger or witness of change to his brother bishops. I’m also sure that he will introduce changes that we might not like at first, but will hopefully help us to grow in our faith community. **God’s ***will be done.
Bishop Carlson has included all women in his vocations seminars, dinners, group outings, etc. Catholic vocations according to what I have learned from Bishop Carlson are: Ordination (Priesthood), Religious (Sistersand Brothers), Marriage and Dedicated Singles. That’s it. Praise God. Thank you Jesus.
fromtheheart - Vicki