So just more true Scotsmen stuff.
Apparently you do not understand the fallacy that you so often cite. It’s only applicable as a rejoinder to a properly refuted universal claim. Since no one makes the universal claim that no one who self-identifies as Catholic has ever procured a direct abortion, citing the “no true Scotsman” fallacy is nonsense.
Why don’t Catholics do something about that and lower the number of abortions among its own members instead of demanding that Protestants and atheists lower their abortion numbers?
The Church proposes, she does not impose. The strongest (medicinal) discipline, automatic excommunication, already applies. If one procures or provides a direct abortion they excommunicate themselves even though they may still check the box that reads, “Catholic”.
The statistics (s)he gave show that the rate at which Catholics have abortions is much higher than that of Protestants.
Your math is in need of a tuneup. The 2014 stats that I cited report just the opposite. Applying the proportion of abortions across the population based on religious self-identification does not change the rate.
In 2014, the stats show that self-identified Protestants had 295,558 clinical abortions in 2014 (does not include hospital or self-induced abortions) as opposed to self-identified Catholics who had 204,370 clinical abortions.
How many of those self-identified Catholics who had a direct abortion are self-excommunicated? All of them. The number would be increased by their spouses, if married, and those Catholics who assisted in effecting the abortion.
How many self-identified Catholic practice their faith? An estimate would be the proportion of those self-identified Catholics who do not without serious reason assist at Mass on Sunday or other days of obligation. That number is 61%.
So no
actual Catholic had a direct abortion in 2014 and the adjusted number for actual vs. nominal Catholics in the USA is 8% and not 20.8%.
The more important point is what do the various religions teach as the truth on the morality of direct abortions regardless of whether members accept the teaching. The Catholic Church is clear and steadfast in her position. Not so for the various Protestant denominations. Unfortunately, they have altered their teaching to accommodate a “stiff necked” people.