Report: "Massachusetts Town Legalizes Polygamy Using Same Arguments For Gay Marriage,"

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How does having sex with my partner in our bedroom when there is no std risk and no pregnancy risk affect society?
He just won’t give up his quest that everyone be allowed to do whatever they want…
Why is there a reticence to admit that in some (I won’t even say most) cases where people have sex without being married it causes no harm to society?
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Why is there a reticence to admit that in some (I won’t even say most) cases where people have sex without being married it causes no harm to society?
Here’s 2,411 reasons. The images of these murdered people are too graphic to upload. Their remains were found in abortionist’s garage.
(Please Note: This uploaded content is no longer available.)
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Why is there a reticence to admit that in some (I won’t even say most) cases where people have sex without being married it causes no harm to society?
Here’s 2,411 reasons. The images of these murdered people are too graphic to upload. Their remains were found in abortionist’s garage.
Married people have abortions too.
Freddy And Guest1: you were discussing the social consequences of extramarital sex. Guest1 raised it. Freddy asked for them to be enumerated in his case, that of someone in a relationship between two people who are not ‘sleeping around’. For some reason, Guest, you keep just saying ‘it’s wrong, that’s what I believe’. But you said there were social consequences. Are there?
When I say it’s wrong that’s what I believe: I’ve studied the case for a Creator and researched various religions. I’m not here saying I blindly believe what I believe and thus it must be true. If you want me to give my reasons for why I believe what I believe then that’s something that can be discussed in private on the forum such as in PM or on a different topic on the board having to do with the case against/for Theism.

I believe Catholicism is true in all she teaches. If the Catholic religion is true there’s negative consequences to all sins.

If there is no God humans have no intrinsic value and we’re just temporary stardust floating in a temporary galaxy that will one day cease to exist along with us. The consequences of our actions upon one another have no ultimate worth. There is no absolute wrong or right. And no I’m not saying Atheists/Agnostics can’t be moral.
Oh and by the way, if you don’t believe in God you can get together with others in your society and decide what right and wrong is. And you can go along with the consensus.
I know this. Hence what I said previously regarding if there is no God that morals are like the answer to what the best ice cream is = Down to human opinion. There is no ultimate wrong or right. I’d be a nihilist if I became an Atheist again.
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I’m going to get sacked for saying this on CAF, but I go Libertarian on this one. The law shouldn’t step in to regulate all sin, the state shouldn’t be sticking its nose into the business of marriage, and I’m not going to stop somebody who’s stupid enough to enter into a polygamous relationship. (One husband is enough for me, and I can’t imagine living around a bunch of women in this set-up).
Reminds me of a joke

Q: What’s the worst thing about polygamy?
A: having two mother-in-laws.
It’s much better, especially from a mental health perspective, for someone to be their true authentic self as best they can and not feel they must keep secrets about who they are.
Authentic and authority do not mean the same thing. Authentic means natural, genuine. Homosexual acts are not authentic human acts. One must acknowledge that as fallen human beings, we have unnatural urges – everyone of us.

Unnatural urges are not authentic and should be repressed. Are the kleptomaniac’s or anorexic’s or bulemic’s or glutton’s or adulterer’s or fornicator’s mental health safeguarded by affirming their disorders, their “true self”, in public? No.

Authoritative means arising from a self-recognized authority. There does seem to be a consensus among atheists on who is the only authority in their lives: themselves.
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Fornication is okay in my moral system because it’s not the proximate cause of any harm to others.
The myopic view of an adolescent is never the basis for a sound moral system.
When you start extrapolating two, three, four causes out you’d find all manner of reasonable behavior suddenly ‘evil’ for the downstream consequences.
Show me.
The OP is about polyamorous relationships. Three males or three females would not impose problems for the community. Polygamy, if the father was a responsible person (as in the OT), could be manageable but does introduce a risk to society that the “family” will dissolve. Two men and one women, potentially bigger problems of dissolution. If these “families” dissolve then the community must care for the children.
I know a woman who has five children without ever having been married or in any form of civil partnership.

In cases like hers, the danger that the comunity will have to provide for her and her children is far greater than in a polyamourous situation coded into a contract from which the participants cannot easily walk away and leave others with the responsibility.
What do you think will be next? Incest?
I have a plan.

Seeing I can now actually do the following
  • change my legal name
  • change my legal sex
how about being able to change my legal date of birth.

I would change it to a pensionable age and spend the rest of my life burning other people’s money.
When you start extrapolating two, three, four causes out you’d find all manner of reasonable behavior suddenly ‘evil’ for the downstream consequences.
Show me.
If I bottle and sell a beer to a distributor who sells it to a bar who serves it to a man who drives home drunk and hits a pedestrian, there is a downstream negative affect to society of my action, but I don’t think a reasonable person would conclude my action was immoral.
If I bottle and sell a beer to a distributor who sells it to a bar who serves it to a man who drives home drunk and hits a pedestrian, there is a downstream negative affect to society of my action, but I don’t think a reasonable person would conclude my action was immoral.
Please tie back your beer analogy and insert the fornicator in the causal chain that leads to abortion. Is the fornicator the bottler, the distributor or the bar keep? It seems they are the bar keep.
I know a woman who has five children without ever having been married or in any form of civil partnership.

In cases like hers, the danger that the comunity will have to provide for her and her children is far greater than in a polyamourous situation coded into a contract from which the participants cannot easily walk away and leave others with the responsibility.
The material welfare of the children is important but not as important as their spiritual welfare. Single parented children whether from promiscuous or divorced mothers do not do well.
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The myopic view of an adolescent is never the basis for a sound moral system.
If there is no argument, you start insults. The principle of “the right of your fist ends where my nose begins” is the soundest foundation for a moral / ethical system. Even Jesus endorsed it in the golden rule.
If there is no argument, you start insults. The principle of “the right of your fist ends where my nose begins” is the soundest foundation for a moral / ethical system. Even Jesus endorsed it in the golden rule.
Where’s the insult? Apparently, you also missed the arguments. Take the to read the thread before lurching into victim mode.
Please tie back your beer analogy and insert the fornicator in the causal chain that leads to abortion. Is the fornicator the bottler, the distributor or the bar keep? It seems they are the bar keep.
Where would a married couple who aborts an unintended pregnancy be in the analogy? Same place right? That suggests being unmarried isn’t specifically a component in the causal chain.

You’re trying to attach an extra adjective so you can stigmatize it. If you want to go that route perhaps you should compare Catholic to Protestant abortion rates.

If you think we should ban poly-amorous relationships because in your mind they cause more abortions, why not ban Catholic relationships since they have more abortions than Protestants?

Or would you like to discuss the abortion rate among true Scotsmen instead?
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If there is no God humans have no intrinsic value and we’re just temporary stardust floating in a temporary galaxy that will one day cease to exist along with us.
I think that has a;ways been the principal appeal of religion - explaining reality in a way that is easier for people to accept. It’s clear that such beliefs have an evolutionary advantage - people who believe in God are more easily able to deal with the inevitable disappointments and tragedies of life. But it is not an argument for the existence go God. It’s a reason to believe. It’s extension, into areas of debate like polygamy shows that the ‘reason to believe’ is not a sound foundation since some religions accept it and some do not. You can’t argue from ‘I feel God exists’ to ‘polygamy is wrong’ unless you make a series of other ‘faith leaps’.
Where’s the insult?
Is the “myopic view of an adolescent” now a term of endearment? Somehow I missed that.

Fornication is simply sex between non-married people. And the marriage paper does not add anything to the act or its consequences. Yes, whatever two or more loving people do in the privacy of their home (or in any private situation) is none of your business. Since the formal marriage is barely a few thousand years old, every sexual act before that was a “fornication”.

In simple tribal arrangements, even today there is no “marriage”. The children were (are) raised by the tribe, and if one or both of the biological parents dies, the whole family or tribe takes over the role of parenthood. A much healthier arrangement, especially for the development of the children. So you should learn about reality, before accusing others.

The concept of marriage has very little to do with biology, it was invented as a social arrangement, especially to preserve (or extend) the fortune of the family. It has gone through many changes, and will continue to do so. Morgantic marriages, polyamorous relationships, polygamy or polyandry all have their day under the Sun.

Whatever a society declares to be a “marriage”, it will become a de-facto marriage.
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