Republican comes out of the closet

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Minnesota Republican State Senator Paul Koering has emerged from the closet and announced he is Gay. Link

Said Koering:
“I feel like the Republican Party is big tent, and that there is a home for me in the Republican Party,” he said. “The question is going to wind up being back home: Is the party big-tent enough for Paul Koering?”
Minnesota Republican State Senator Paul Koering has emerged from the closet and announced he is Gay. Link

Said Koering:
“I feel like the Republican Party is big tent, and that there is a home for me in the Republican Party,” he said. “The question is going to wind up being back home: Is the party big-tent enough for Paul Koering?”
How many people even know who their State Senator is I wonder?
I know for me personally, I couldn’t care less what sins my reps/senators commit in the privacy of their own home as long as they vote how I want them to. By the way, why do gay people have this need to tell everyone what they do in the privacy of their own homes?
I just want to come out and state that I am a happly married hetrosexual.

Because it’s so important for me that I make sure everyone knows so I don’t ahve to live with teh thoughts that my lifestyle may be wrong. I mean if I come out and say it, then they will have to approve, right? Isn’t that what this country is founded on?
I know for me personally, I couldn’t care less what sins my reps/senators commit in the privacy of their own home as long as they vote how I want them to. By the way, why do gay people have this need to tell everyone what they do in the privacy of their own homes?
So long as they don’t push their choices into MY home through the school system, the redefinition of marriage and paying for benefits for which they are NOT entitled.
So long as they don’t push their choices into MY home through the school system, the redefinition of marriage and paying for benefits for which they are NOT entitled.
Well, that wouldn’t be voting the way I want them to. It might be hard for a gay person to vote how I want, but if they do, that’s really all I care about.
I know for me personally, I couldn’t care less what sins my reps/senators commit in the privacy of their own home as long as they vote how I want them to. By the way, why do gay people have this need to tell everyone what they do in the privacy of their own homes?
The article doesn’t mention anything about his activites behind closed doors. Unfortunately you appear to hold the common misconception that sexual behavior defines Gay or Strait. It does not.
The article doesn’t mention anything about his activites behind closed doors. Unfortunately you appear to hold the common misconception that sexual behavior defines Gay or Strait. It does not.
Then what defines gay or staight?
The article doesn’t mention anything about his activites behind closed doors. Unfortunately you appear to hold the common misconception that sexual behavior defines Gay or Strait. It does not.
Could you elaborate please?
It is not hard for me to understand a gay Rebublican. I think that the Repulicans don’t want gay marriage but also many gays don’t either. I think all people have rights. I think that many people are in the closet that might even be married like the New Jersey Governor was. Was he a Democrat? It is neither here nor there. I think in Minnesota he will probably be reelected even if he is gay. They are fairly liberal. Is this a problem now?
It has to do with gender attraction. Sex is how its classified, homo or hetero, but the basis for the attraction is gender not sexual. It’s always been with us and it exists in the animal kingdom as well. Just as I could never imagine myself being withanother man, most Gay people can’t imagine being with a strait person. For a fraction of the population it’s their normality. Then there’s Anne Heche.
I know for me personally, I couldn’t care less what sins my reps/senators commit in the privacy of their own home as long as they vote how I want them to. By the way, why do gay people have this need to tell everyone what they do in the privacy of their own homes?
My sentiments exactly. Would I walk up and introduce myself as a straight female? Maybe I should share my particular sexual preferences with the public? Hi my name is Lisa and I enjoy bondage? How about you?

Funny coincidence, a friend and I belong to an organization that arranges for well known peace activists (we’re talking Dali Lama here, not Jane Fonda 😃 ) to visit our city. A large group of businessmen from the middle east were guests at a recent luncheon. The speaker, a city official announced repeatedly during his discussion of the topic at hand (a new garden for the city) that he was “openly gay.” My friend who attended the luncheon said it was EXTREMELY offensive, irrelevant and just plain annoying. Now she is a hairdresser and works with homosexuals. She has many good friends who are homosexuals so she is not a homophobe. She just felt it was in extremely poor taste for this man, a city official discussing city plans for a park, to bring up his personal sex life.

I say TOO MUCH SHARING. Keep it in the closet or tell someone who CARES.

Lisa N
It has to do with gender attraction. Sex is how its classified, homo or hetero, but the basis for the attraction is gender not sexual. It’s always been with us and it exists in the animal kingdom as well. Just as I could never imagine myself being withanother man, most Gay people can’t imagine being with a strait person. For a fraction of the population it’s their normality. Then there’s Anne Heche.
Ok then. Why does a politician need to tell us who he’s attracted to? Why do gay people need to literally parade around telling everyone they are attracted to people of the same sex?
Lisa N:
My sentiments exactly. Would I walk up and introduce myself as a straight female? Maybe I should share my particular sexual preferences with the public? Hi my name is Lisa and I enjoy bondage? How about you?
Ok then. Why does a politician need to tell us who he’s attracted to? Why do gay people need to literally parade around telling everyone they are attracted to people of the same sex?
Because they can get no affrimation that how they feel is right from within. God has inscribed the moral law on everyones heart. They know that it is not right, as shown by the fact that those who are sodomites have a much higher incidence of drug/alcohol abuse, sucicide, and depression.

By them publicly exclaiming it, we are forced to accept it, or so our culture says, thereby justifing the disorder to them.
It has to do with gender attraction. Sex is how its classified, homo or hetero, but the basis for the attraction is gender not sexual. It’s always been with us and it exists in the animal kingdom as well. Just as I could never imagine myself being withanother man, most Gay people can’t imagine being with a strait person. For a fraction of the population it’s their normality. Then there’s Anne Heche.
*Section 2357 of the Catechism of the Catholic Church:

*Homosexuality refers to relations between men or between women who experience an exclusive or predominant sexual attraction toward persons of the same sex.
It has to do with gender attraction. Sex is how its classified, homo or hetero, but the basis for the attraction is gender not sexual. .
The attraction is sexual attraction. Don’t kid yourself. If it wasn’t that people want approval for certain sexual behaviors there would not be an issue.
sorry Peter_Atlanta, but i wouldn’t have problems if my attractions were only gender-based. in fact, if gay/straight were just a gender thing, your statement that you ‘could never imagine being with another man’ would indicate you have no male friends and would never consider developing such a thing and even abhor spending time with other men. however, what you’re saying is that you don’t want to have sex with guys. it is a sexual thing.
and while it may be my ‘normailty’, it remains one whose acts are ‘intrinsically disordered’ from what Daddy intended for me. therefore, i must work against it much like a cleptomaniac must work against his ‘normal’ tendency to steal. instead of being how i am ‘meant to be’ (and act), it is a means for me to unite myself to the Lord’s Cross and thus fulfill Daddy’s will for my life.
the rationale for ‘coming out’ is well summed up by Trelow:
By them publicly exclaiming it, we are forced to accept it, or so our culture says, thereby justifing the disorder to them.
beyond that there isn’t much need to do so.
mr Koering needs our prayers.

Christ is Risen!
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