The assertion that “God compels us to use free will” is nonsense implies that we can be created with free will and choose not to use it.
No it does not. If I am wrong do please feel free to spell out that argument in formal logic… But if you were able to do that I doubt we would be having this conversation. “Reading that made me think this” is not the same as proving that the original assertion logically, necessarily, implies what it made you think.
In other words we can choose not to choose!
Neither implied by what I said, nor does it lead to the conclusion you seem to be drawing.
That seems like a paradox to me…
Then I suspect you need to learn more about logical argument. Formal logic, not rhetoric.As Sartre pointed out, it is impossible to remain uncommitted. We have to make choices whether we like it or not (- unless you reject free will altogether and believe all our choices are caused by factors beyond our control. If that is your view I think you would have brought it up by now but in any case it is self-refuting. If we cannot choose our conclusions there is no guarantee they are trustworthy. Machines aren’t generally regarded as capable of rational insight.) It follows that a normal person cannot be prevented from making choices. To abstain is itself a choice.
Do you believe a normal person would choose to give up free will?
Would? No. Could, logically speaking, yes.We are concerned with reality not fantasy. As Cicero observed, probability is the very guide of life.
Whereas “being compelled not to be compelled” violates the law of identity (nothing can be both A and not-A simultaneously) and so, if that statement results logically as the result of an assertion, that assertion an be concluded to be false.
Nor is your mind is chained if you sell yourself into slavery; you are still free to choose what to think.
But you can choose to be compelled. There is no logical contradiction there.The very fact that you **choose **to be compelled implies that you are not compelled
in every respect. If you think you are compelled to choose what to think you are deceiving yourself, unless of course you have been hypnotised or brainwashed - which are both abnormal situations.
The boot is on the other foot with fantasies like “some sort of lobotomy”…
No. Really, no.Then why bring up such an extravagant extreme to attempt to prove your point?