Reverend Rob Schenck Explains Why He Wasn't at the March for Life

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Yeah but isn’t Trump bringing his baggage to the Pro Life Community which can draw off people
I don’t follow. The movement is pure and Trump’s not running ‘National Right to Life’ or any of the many other pro life orgs

He’s not in charge of it in any fashion.

Your argument sounds like a deflection
No doubt, @po18guy meant TDS, an epithet used recently by Trump boosters, and not with much charity. TDS stands for Trump Derangement Syndrome. Of course, no one that I recall ever spoke of ODS, Obama Derangement Syndrome, but it surely ran rampant when President Obama was elected.
One of the strongest cases against Trump is the deficit; it will result in higher future taxes, prolonged low interest rates, and increased inflation (decreased deflation). His inexperience and character as a businessperson is another.

One of the strongest cases against Obama was the Affordable Care Act; the ACA didn’t fix rising healthcare costs and cost of healthcare premiums. These are reasonable arguments - not derangement.

One of the strongest cases against Clinton was her prior record as a first lady and defense attorney. Actually, I’d probably say it’s probably inappropriate for almost any prosecutor or defense attorney to have the character for president due to the nature of those jobs.

However, disrespecting the office of the president does fall within the derangement category, whether it is NDS, CDS, RDS, BDS, ODS, TDS. Derangement is where you give the president irrational importance.
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Rev. Schenk can be a big boy and make his own sign.
If he made his own sign, it would be a pro-choice sign, because Rev. Schenk is pro-choice.

I changed the title so that this vital piece of information was clear and upfront, but the title was changed back. Apparently we’re supposed to facilitate pro-choice duplicity, not expose it.
If the haters can choke down the hatred for just a moment, President Trump - not before the cameras - not at a march - even before and during the impeachment nonsense - appointed 185 pro-life judges to federal judgeships. This legacy will last long after he is gone.

His predecessor’s legacy: trans-gendered bathrooms.

You decide.
You need to stop with your hate narrative. I didn’t know he appointed that many judges and I did change my mind when I found out on another thread.
I’m neutral. Though I do lean to a favorable intrepretation.
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Fair enough. This is literally the first time I’ve seen someone change their mind about something political by having a discussion about it over the Internet.

Kudos to you for keeping an open mind.
I didn’t exactly change. I haven’t felt strongly for or against Trump, though I do apreciate and thank him for the good that he does.
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